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consensys very good network and I admit it is the fastest network. For now, there are no problems with the public testnet, it’s just that sometimes the liquidity crashes good job concessions

all good and i really like it run perfectly without any error.
today I swapped eth to crusdc fine without any problems
and I collect fees running smoothly, remove add liquidity without the slightest error. great and the best for the team

my wallet tesnet matamsk : 0x64F1506Caf3a4A5fEf099b1669D084aDFe516715

saya tikak bisa menambahkan add luquidiy

Wow, I really can’t believe that at first, swaps often had errors and add liquidity was very difficult to aprove, now everything is getting smoother and faster. well done the team worked well to fix all flaws in short time
my wallet tesnet matamask :


I have problems or bugs with add liquidity and remove liquidity, when I want to remove liquidity it doesn’t respond at all and there are no approved transactions with my Matamask wallet. I tried MAX remove 75% remove and 50% remove but it doesn’t respond at all

my wallet matamask : 0xb7FAb4FD0aA413eb24B47ef39220c93B542909ca

I’ve tried everything: swaps, contract deploy (own tokens), add liquidity to uniswap and then swap! Works perfect!

Interface so so

So ! No errors found! I added Liquidity! Some contracts deployed! I am very satisfied

Besides normal tests (swap, sending tokens etc.) I wrote a few contracts on remix and deploeyxd! Works quite well!

swapping eth to crUSDC I get an error

In my experience linea everything runs normally, hopefully when mainnet it can run smoothly too

Everything looks good, fast, smooth! Goodluck in the future!

Testnet went smooth without any hold up. However,i find it hard to add and remove liquidity at first,but it later worked but still showing some strange amount of crusdc… It’s a great pleasure participating in this amazing project testnet i must say…big kudos to the Team for bringing up this amazing project and nice piece of ideas in trying to solve the issue of making transactions more easier for traders…keep it up… Anticipating mainnet asf,can’t wait :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart_eyes::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart_eyes:

Screenshot 2023-04-15 054201
i have tried this testnet, the transaction is very fast and i get a little bug on the swap section eth to crusdc ,after i try swap from eth to crusd ,cursd increases very much and not counted ,i hope it can be fixed soon ,And I also hope dev can add more tokens to try,Thanks.

Everything is good , but i think if add liquidity pool always error

The uniswap interface is good, but the pool section has many bugs or errors while trying to provide liquidity…

I thought it’s just my internet connection but the pool section has many bugs and kept errors while trying to add liquidity.

overall everything went smoothly and had no problems

awesome project i have tried all the features. I hope this project can be even better when mainnet arrives. need to improve like UI/UX or other menu. I believe in the dev and team behind all of this! warm greetings from me.

Swap , convert , pool , Bridge Smoothly no problem