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everything seems to be fine

Always error when make Liquidity pool
But for swap its to slow

im try all web , all is very good and attractive everything looks simple and all processes are very smooth I really like it, the experience is very interesting it’s really amazing. love you.

my wallet tesnet : 0x4406D8C657Ed3A6dE47ebA674A75c1702Ab77c53

all transactions went smoothly, starting from the bridge, swapping on uniswap, adding some liquidity and removing liquidity went smoothly, but there were some constraints in swapping and adding liquidity. I think for the supply of crUSDC please fix it, I got too much crUSDC and confused to do a stable swap and also when adding liquidity I’m having a hard time to determine the right price for the trading pair. for the rest I think it’s very good to be launched on the mainnet later. thank you for the great experience when trying this Linea network

Wallet: 0xB4Fb969a1d83FAa8Dc779F89Acc4F0AbdFF27e9A

Hello uniswap interface is good but some problem after I provide liquidity facing some errors

Swap experience is perfect with fast tx approve but face some error on add liquidity always error. Thanks

Everything works fine but to add liquidity is quite stressful please loot into that

I just tested it. There are some Daaps can not use Linea network for testing such as: LIFI, Connext

when i am on hop exchange.i try to swap weth to heth. i get a message saying add eth to your account on linea and transaction wont proceed. i have eth on linea testnet. i dont understand why its saying i need eth on linea network when i am on testnet.

I got sth wrong when I chose the fee tier to 0.3% option in pool .

Can someone help me

I used bridge that is absolutely perfect and swap feature is also works smooth but add liquidity feature is not working properly.

Swap time and Add Liquidity are a bit slow


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I have this problem too

I did everything well

still like an always failed…
and the nominal its not matching on uniswap bridge linea…
when your team wanna to fix this ?

Error on add LP but all is good

smootly working

same in uniswap

okj now all working smoothly and safe

all good no problem my address { 0xD096Bc6b0478C53fFb75F13FE2ad471a3D80EA32 }

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