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everything safe for use. very smooths programs. but need some tecnique for add swap and liquidity.
please improv something for teams. iswear many investor comings nextā€¦

thanks for opportunityā€¦ hope get some


everything very soft to using,
just need some improve for dex soon, like viewing and etc drawing.
ihope get some opportunity like building ,suggestions . because ilike it Linea



ddeploying smartcontrack runs smoothly, there are no problems, everything is safe and smooth, but Iā€™m a little late but it doesnā€™t matter, everything is safe

I have tried to do an exchange on uniswap, everything works quite normally but sometimes it often fails to do the swap, for other problems there are those in the adding liquidity section, errors often occur.

my address : 0xFf2607683bD18f090B0c6f745add644bBa3fa34e

Iā€™m so happy to trying all features in this website and used this features is a great experience to be one of the people to try this!

I was trying all the features, here is my result of my explore

Report and test

1.Bridge gorli linea
Tx hash: 0xb071d9dad972e203cd5335e4da6c650cb6947e60de1d1cb21569c270b0f7096e

2.Send any address
Tx hash: 0x23584895082510e2a9e9b10cdd266bebc192e65821d542fbcf3c7baf0e320fda


3.1.Wrap eth
Tx hash: 0x0876b18828c7bd7d513b33cac2b6963574ef6e438d138b27f4ae38724ccd2657

3.2.Eth to Crusdc
Tx hash: 0x53e33ead3bfc5b8c5ea5fb8a0e5ca816bb3c6e40bc0f913b8a4350a465880142

3.3.crusdc to eth
Tx hash: 0x1de953f57ccb45327eb6f61b1ae965367f23b3232e38cd112e93106fd96721d4

3.4.Crweth to crusdc
Tx hash: 0x4d01f991c1b48bcec87493cf9396663a2492ba17f734306211e0cd7eb68cef1b

3.5.Crusdc to crweth
Tx hash: 0x7c27a79a420fd23b6346b519569d5fe775bd70fd4155ba03c12e2a106ffc6e1b

  1. Add pool
    I canā€™t find anything, I always get a problem.

All features are interesting and there are some things that make me excited, like:

  1. UI is elegant, nice color combinations and responsive.
  2. Execution transaction is smooth

Conclusion:I always get problems when swapping and just increasing the SP can solve the problem, but with the add pool problem Iā€™ve tried several ways itā€™s still not resolved, I hope the developer fixes the problem soon, Apart from the problems mentioned above, I donā€™t have any problems with the UI etc. I like the look, because itā€™s very familiar.

Thanks for giving a great experience. We hope what happens here will be a success on mainnet and all the hard working team I really appreciate your effort.

Wallet Address:


bridge all pair not working sir
this my adress : 0x4035d74c1d3C2dd38d2dBd320C3c0EdB334e975e

Iā€™ve tried everything, and at first it was very smooth, but I tried it today, itā€™s difficult, except for the swap and the Goerli to Linea bridge, which runs smoothly
others donā€™t
done task all
my adress : 0x5178136FA1D1b4e828009E78f2650e161fD8C355

You canā€™t ask for NFT, and even bridges canā€™t at this time either
I just tried swap all pairs only
and this is my address 0x207d6Ee1924a6207e55a6D9F6bfD80096E4551C9

all feature workā€¦and no problemā€¦
transaction faster ā€¦ i like it.

the testnet ran flawlessly with no issues which means all the features have been tested as they should. GOOD JOB Linea!, Itā€™s been a great experience with the team, community and everyone involved in the Linea project! I am quite enjoying and excited to try this product till now. I have nothing to say Iā€™m amazed, I hope we can meet next time and allow me to try your product again. itā€™s interesting and fun.

my address : 0x7655668fe8b99C8a80444Bfc6F2a9172b6F48A60

on HOP, pending takes a long time to load, but the transaction is visible on the scan. bridge, conversion and adding liquidity works properly. exchange to Uniswap is also successful, but there are problems with adding liquidity. jumper fails to swap

Creating liquidity is quite tasking and slow due to unknown reasons.

Always Error if want add liquid pool , but everything good

I want to say I really enjoyed trying out this public test network,

Swap an bridge verry fast ,but swap manual contrack

everything looks good but sometimes there are still some errors

Everything is good :dotted_line_face: :innocent:

After repair UNISWAP
I can manage to swap and do liquid pool!
most of them are so fast, but HOP bridge system is still slowly too lateā€¦

great project ?very well

Value number is offer load ui,