This guy deliberately ignores the existence of the community and its participants and operates only with the fact of NFT.
So LXP is also a speculative asset. On OTC they trade accounts with LXP, on the premarket they trade the token. And?
This guy deliberately ignores the existence of the community and its participants and operates only with the fact of NFT.
So LXP is also a speculative asset. On OTC they trade accounts with LXP, on the premarket they trade the token. And?
This guy clearly has a shaky grasp on reality and seems to have fully bought into his own fantasies.
You see, the thing is, others have access to the community, are deeply involved in the Linea ecosystem, and understand the contributions being made - while you’re busy playing childish sabotage games and downplaying someone else’s importance.
Maybe it would be more productive for you to talk about your own importance and irreplaceable role in the ecosystem? Who do you interact with, who knows you? Maybe you’re a builder?
Perhaps we should suggest rewarding attendees of IRL events or holders of extremely rare commemorative collections - ones that exist but people like them have no idea about
All just to give them fuel for the next stage of their hysteria:
“This is a criterion made purely for the team; they gave the drop to themselves.”
I really don’t like the period before TGE because these saboteurs and manipulators start crawling out of every crack
It’s ironic how you accuse others of greed and lies while ignoring the central point being discussed. Nobody’s disputing the growth of Linea or the existence of community activities those are good things. The concern is how speculative assets like NFTs are being elevated over actual contributions to the ecosystem.
Instead of dismissing others as “crying,” maybe consider engaging in the debate with facts rather than broad generalizations.
It’s funny how you’re so quick to call out others, but when we take a closer look, there’s barely a whisper from you about actual ecosystem-building. Maybe spend less time pointing fingers and more time showing receipts for your so-called contributions.
If the argument for NFTs is so solid, why the need to lump them into the same category as LXP? Maybe focus on showcasing their genuine contributions instead of drawing weak parallels. After all, communities thrive on effort, not just ownership. LXP reflects consistent participation and engagement, while NFTs well, let’s just say their “community value” often seems more about exclusivity than actual involvement.
Maybe instead of deflecting, you could talk about your own role in the ecosystem. Who do you work with? What have you built? Or is this all just noise to distract from the fact that your involvement might not be as significant as you want everyone to believe?
it’s amusing how you dismiss legitimate concerns as hysteria while conveniently brushing off the glaring issues with exclusivity. If anything, the real manipulators are those pushing for rewards tailored to their inner circle.
The period before TGE is tough, not because of saboteurs, but because of this kind of self-serving narrative. Perhaps some introspection is in order before pointing fingers at others.
@paperlesshash No, There’s no airdrop for any NFT collection announced by the Team until now. This space is meant for the team to collect feedback and for the community to share suggestions on Linea’s decentralization and when someone does so It’s solely their opinion/suggestion and Linea team will have the final say in it.
We value constructive criticism and is always welcome here, but I don’t think it’s fair to attack an entire community because you don’t like the suggestions by few members.
About your criticisms, EFrogs have been a major part of the Linea ecosystem rather than merely a JPEG artwork if that’s how you see it.
Any questions?
Well mate you are mistaken my views I’m not attacking any collection, but I’m strongly against the idea that owning an NFT should entitle anyone to massive rewards. It’s unfair to those who’ve earned their LXP/LLXP points through genuine contributions. We shouldn’t be rewarding those who simply bought into hype or speculation.
The line should be drawn at active contributions, not the speculative buy-in. High multipliers for NFTs would only fuel free-riding behavior and hurt the integrity of the reward system. The real value comes from active participants who are driving the ecosystem forward not from people who are holding speculative assets and hoping for a payout.
I think there’s a misunderstanding here. First, I want to clarify that I’m not attacking anyone or any community. I’ve been getting attacked with TOS-violating comments for simply sharing my views. All I’m doing is speaking up for fairness in the ecosystem.
You mentioned there’s no airdrop yet, but you also went into great detail about what EFrog has done. That’s fine, but it doesn’t directly address the issue of rewarding NFT holders with large multipliers. While contributions are great, the focus should remain on those who’ve consistently contributed to the ecosystem, not just speculative holders.
The purpose of this space is for feedback, and I’m voicing my opinion as part of the community something I believe should be respected without jumping to conclusions about my intentions. Constructive criticism is always welcome, but let’s make sure we’re addressing the core issue and not sidestepping it.
Well here is better NEW thread:
therefore, a separate pool should be given to the project as efrog and not to the efrog nft holders.
And then the project should distribute the tokens individually. As it was the case with many other L2s.
Not every frog nft holder is a programmer, influencer and is involved in efrogs activities. There are also those who only bought speculative nfts.
Here is new post cuz they ganged up and reported violation of TOS haha
So maybe you need to draw conclusions and cool down? Stop harassing the community with fake attacks and reflect on your behavior, instead of creating identical threads with ideas that have already been seen and discussed?
haha the argument between nft holder and who dont have nft
The situation is as old as the world. The fomo train is leaving and the greedy, jealous guys have become more active. Yes, this is my value judgment and I allow myself to make it because of their unjustified aggression.
I’m not an eFrogs holder or part of their community, but I’m familiar with them and understand their value. I wouldn’t jealously compare them to other communities I’m part of - everyone has their own contributions.
The aggressors are deliberately trying to pit participants against each other, but they won’t succeed.
The top priority is tightening filters and cutting off farmers and automators. The stricter, the better.
You shouldn’t waste your time on this jealous person.
You keep repeating the same argument, claiming that NFTs are speculative assets. Lol, the entire crypto space is speculative. You yourself are an active speculator of opinions on this forum.
You’re bargaining like an old lady at the market.
The market has already evaluated all current projects and will evaluate them even better closer to the TGE. You can fantasize about speculations all you want, but your fantasies won’t become reality.
LXP accounts are also traded on the OTC market. Back during the LINEA PARK days, Twitter was full of offers for creating accounts from scratch. Why haven’t you said a single word about this? Don’t bother answering - I think the reason is obvious.
eFrogs, as the OG community, deserve the maximum reward, whether you like it or not. Your tantrums and bargaining won’t change a thing. Of course, all conditions for account approval for the drop must be met, but going against the frogs is a mistake.
So far, all I see is your destructive influence. Plus, from your available resources, it’s clear you’re a typical drop hunter. What’s your personal value? That you clicked through tasks following instructions and will sell the tokens immediately after the TGE?
What rewards are you even dreaming about when the team decided not to grant LXP for owning every third Linea Voyage NFT and beyond? How naive can you be to think that AI-generated NFTs contribute anything meaningful to a blockchain? The real contributions came from users of the testnet and participants in the first interaction campaign with DeFi protocols.
Any criteria like “+1 for owning a frog NFT on Linea” will drive the final nail into the project’s coffin. There will be a new zkSync or StarkNet, and that’s where the focus will shift. The meme cult that the team has cultivated on Twitter inspires nothing but pity and mediocrity. The real focus should be on technology.
Reward those who created apps and projects, meme token creators, or influencers—but definitely not the holders of some dumb meme token that was sold to them as a joke.
Let the owner of efrog NFT, who remembers the testnet times and the tedious completion of tasks on Galxe, stand up and raise his hand.
Processing one transaction even several times, which caused great frustration.
To get the maximum points on Galxe you had to buy geth, there was no other option.
Is there a frog here who took an active part in this? Such a person would certainly speak with respect about the “farmers” of lxp.
And now let’s compare it with a single purchase of nft on element market…
How does one thing negate the other? Most participants have been around since the testnet days. I personally started during the testnet phase. You’re literally pulling ideas out of thin air at this point.