My suggestion for the drop

we have beautifully distributed LXP points.

The best of all networks!

but a linear hand of 1 token = 1 LXP IS NOT GOOD!

A lot of people started playing with linea from LINEA park and did a total of 2/3 campaigns and they all have about 2000LXP

It was very easy to do at this point (after the network upgrade when fees dropped)
10 accounts and with little work and costs get 10,000 LXP!

During this time, nearly 500,000 new wallets collecting LXP were added!

Most of them never used this network again, and certainly do not use it on a daily basis.

Such users should receive, for example:
LXP/10 = token quantity!

another criterion for sifting out bot farms.

total monthly average TVL on the network for the last year
less than $100>$50
= LXP/5 - number of token tokens

less than $50 = LXP/10 = quantity of token

adding such 2 criteria would dramatically change the distribution of tokens for real users who have been with the project since testing


where’s equality ? if you propose tvl criteria on weak wallets than it shoud be implemented for all LXP holders, including the top ones

On this forum we discussed it many times, that linear distribution is unappropriate for LXP, so tiers must be implemented. And what’s wrong with playing with Linea from Linea Park ? A guy from week 1 could spend 50$ I said it many times, the ones who could earn cheap LXP are those who came at week 6 only

You say

But at the same time you propose tvl criteria for what reasons? Sybils are rich now, it worth nothing for them to deposit even 500$ on account. You have LXP system, all parameters are priced in the system. From where are you guys coming suggesting balance/volume/txns amount criteria ? We have a point system. Simply introduce threshold on LXP/fees/Dencun transactions and you will get the most fair distribution ever. Why are you always eager to play with untransparent criteria such as balance/volume etc

So accroding to your proposal a guy from top-1k LXP users with Efrogs (~2k$), 2 years of transactions, voyage NFTs etc but holding 80$ during 2 years should receive LXP/5 number of tokens ? Just because a random guy on forum thought it fits well his account(s) ?

And why exactly 50$ or 100$? If you bougt ETH at ath for 100$ and price decreased significantly, it’s your fault ? The person won’t receive fair rewards just because the price on underlying asset has dropped significantly?

You either introduce proposal regarding balance with native token/aggregate across all networks or never publish it, since it’s a pure untransparent criteria which doesn’t target sybils, but only those who see no logic in holding 100$ on chain where fees cost you ~0.05$ per txn.

Overall: bad suggestion

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this is the 2nd criterion

Binding for all wallets!
It beautifully sifts out bare wallets that were created en masse only to collect LXP points/

"what’s wrong with playing with Linea from Linea Park: ?

  • Mainly the fact that 500,000 new portels joined then, in a large part of bot farms.

I dont really think the proposed idea is right
If team wanna reduce rewards, it should be on the people who didnt interact on months that linea didnt give quests .

The best time is Q1 of 2025 as we have tge at end of Q1 . Jan and february is the best time.

If the wallet dont have 5$ in linea eth or eco tokens
No interaction in last month . These are enough .

Coz the community mostly did what linea asked to do nothing beyond .

Nile , lynx voters, Efrogs, foxy , linus is the only community that did something beyond what linea said

Why would they check activity only now? when are network charges equal to 0?

real deserving users struggled with testnet and paid $1-2 for each operation when we launched mainnet, and these are the ones who should get the most.

Joining from LINEA PARK, where the tasks were super simple and the fees were close to zero, shouldn’t help much, because in fact, such users didn’t do much for the network either.

What don’t you like about TVL’s assessment?
If you are not able to keep even $100 online, you probably have many wallets and that is why there is a requirement to eliminate such people.