My Idea about criteria of LINEA airdrop

First of all, we must make separate allocation from LXP and LXP-L. For me it is the best decission to give 70% from allocation to LXP holder and 30% from allocation for LXP-L

  1. LXP holder

    Data about number wallet i got from Dune but it maybe not 100% accurate since im not expert.

For the right table is a booster points to help users who meet the minimum LXP (2000 LXP) to reach minimum criteria points to earn $LINEA token (3 points). If users dont have LXP or the LXP less than 2000 so the booster points is not applicable.

  1. For LXP-L
    I cant say much about the criteria cause i dont have all data i need to make decission but i think peoples who joined minimum 1 Volt (30days) is eligible since whale can come and go fast and can stay in top 100 leaderboard.
    After that we can make criteria with LXP-L rank or LXP-L points earned. But i think best way to see is how much liquidity and how much days liquidity stay on linea’s dapps.

Being part of the efrogs community who are active and engaged on the network, building a lot, bringing many users to the network, and helping in the success of all events, you’ll find them everywhere then they get the same bonus as in zkscam they didn’t even filter any sybil lamo. My advice to you is to be part of the efrogs community or you’ll be really upset :laughing:


welldone bro. A agree with almost of your proposal. Except item: “another L2 airdrop claimer”. If you put it in, It’s not fair for users who are quite newbie in crypto. I dont think they should be treated like that.

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L2 claimer is just for booster points bro, booster points will be applied if you eligible at least hold 2000 LXP to help users to resch minimum 3 points total to eligible for LINEA token. if you dont have LXP or less than 2000 LXP you dont earn any booster points.


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Interesting opinion, thank you.


  1. Most of the criteria are friendly and encourage farmers and automators with huge farms.

  2. You, like many, have completely drowned out the importance of the community in Linea, and its importance is difficult to overestimate.

  3. What is a foxy NFT? Do I understand correctly that you put the OG NFT collection on a par with the >700K supply collection?

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the right table is a booster points to help users who meet the minimum LXP (2000 LXP) to reach minimum criteria points to earn $LINEA token (3 points). If users dont have LXP or the LXP less than 2000 so the booster points is not applicable. The booster criteria is needed for peoples who eligible minimum 2000 LXP gain more points from their wallet activities to reach minimum total points to be eligible for LINEA token if we make booster points harder so there is chance for peoples who have 2000 LXP not eligible for LINEA token and make so many complaint to the teams.

exclude bonus points for number of transactions, number of months, volme and increase points for Eforgs and you’ll be good, otherwise it’s a very bad proposal

Clear Sybil criteria that are easily emulated and scaled within bot systems, this will allow sybils and industrial farmers to seize a huge share of tokens


Agree. Let’s hope the team is not that stupid to implement such terrible criterion, when they have ideal measure of Contribution - LXP

bonus point applied to help eligible minimum LXP users to gain more points to make them eligible for minimum points for LINEA token. if they dont have 2000 LXP for minimum the bonus points is not applicable

This table of points is bonus points who applied to help eligible minimum LXP users to gain more points to make them eligible for minimum points for LINEA token. if they dont have 2000 LXP for minimum, the bonus points is not applicable. users with 2000 LXP means they have passed POH means filter for sybil is already on.

It’s a nice idea to balance a minimum threshold with a booster score. Thank you for sharing. This may optimize for reducing sybils with low scoring LXP addresses but offer real individuals who were participating in the voyages (but not diligently) a way to still be rewarded. I know a few people who fall into this category.

I do share the concern that the specific criteria shared is quite likely to be executed by professional sybil farms, so while the concept is good we would need to be smarter about the implementation.


i have a good option to receive the token to prevent farmer, we can make claim only to CEX like binance bybit etc but need to make sure another wallet dont use the same account in another cex. example wallet A use Vikos as KYCed account in binance to claim linea token so team must make sure wallet B claim with the same KYCed name account in bybit.

one ridiculous point is why other L2 project token airdropped wallet will receive bonus points?

Is there any official or technically connection between Linea and OP/ARB?

Let suggestion make sense.

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your question is like someone who in a job interview and you ask to the HRD why you put work experience for the criteria for this position.

haha funny

Lol… Then what is the point of having decentralization? :joy:

L2 claimer = sign that this wallet already have a good activity before linea come, it’s like work experience when a company search for a new worker

It doesn’t make sense to give bonus for wallets which received other L2 airdrop.

Proposal needs to make sense

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agree, not a lot logic