Linea airdrop - sugestion

I know that there were already a few such topics before the category on our forum was created, so I’m creating a new one in the discussion category, adding my suggestions at the same time

Here are my main comments:

  • Necessarily a tier system, we don’t want a linear distribution that will reward everyone with a small amount of tokens.

  • two separate pools for LXP and LXPl

  • Better Sybil control: Since the launch of the Linea Park campaign, a huge amount of new bot farms have arrived (I think it could be up to 500k wallets). Most of them are now about 2000LXP,
    I know it’s hard to exclude them completely, but maybe give them a very small allocation?

  • let’s wait until the sentiment for ETH is great !

And what are your ideas? Feel free to comment


Personally, I would be more in favor of a tiered system with inequalities, as mentioned earlier: for example, 1 token for <1000 LXP, 5 for <2000 LXP, 50 for <2500 LXP, and so on.

However, we shouldn’t forget that the first LXP were earned on a blockchain that was more expensive at the beginning. Therefore, taking into account when a wallet received its first LXP tokens could serve as a relevant multiplicative criterion. This would reward those who participated early despite the higher costs.


I totally agree with you

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good point !

Defintly Tier system and eliminate 500k bots farm since Linea park.

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good proposal bro

good point ! i like it

Хорошая идея согласен

Two separate pool for LXP and LXP-L are necessary. Those two are different activity.