Proposal for $LINEA airdrop distribution. The Graetest airdrop?

Hello everyone, I’m Le Chiffre, a community member of Linea ecosystem. First, thank you to Linea for allowing us to share our thoughts on the upcoming airdrop distribution planned for Q1 2025, during the TGE.

NB: Here, I won’t speculate on Linea’s total supply, token price, or valuation at the TGE. Only the Linea team has access to this information, and as such, I am intentionally refraining from including hypothetical gains. The idea is to share a reward system that I believe is the most optimal for Linea.

Linea issued 2,621,511,258 LXP during campaigns.

  • Number of LXP holders: 1,297,203

Linea issued ≃**120B LXP-L during Linea Surge

  • Number of LXP-L participants: 2,034,000

With the basics established, Linea now has two choices:

  1. Reward all holders using a system like “1 LXP = X Linea tokens” and “1 LXP-L = X Linea tokens,” which would result in a dust airdrop, as we’ve seen with other L2 airdrops, leaving everyone with a bitter aftertaste.
  2. Reward with a tiered system that allows for precise rewards based on user engagement with Linea.

What I propose is as follows:

The table below shows that each tier provides points. The idea is to minimize tier differences by assigning 1 and 0.5 points based on user involvement during the LXP and Linea Surge campaigns. This avoids the frustration that might arise for users who are, say, only 2 LXP short of advancing to the next tier.

The distribution of LXP and LXP-L points can be adjusted at the discretion of the Linea team. This is provided as an example.

Non-eligibility for LXP-L points:
There should be a minimum liquidity deposit threshold in Linea protocols. For example, if a whale deposits 10k ETH in liquidity for just one week and withdraws, they should not qualify. A minimum of one full month of providing liquidity during a Volt seems fair.

This allocation ensures that both LXP and LXP-L farmers are rewarded fairly.

However, Linea is more than just LXP and LXP-L.
Linea is a vibrant ecosystem with communities that have grown and contributed to Linea’s development.

These individuals are Linea’s biggest believers, because they stayed even beyond the LXP and LXP-L campaigns. They make partnership between dApps, they help with social raids, and so on. This includes communities like Foxy and Efrog—the two largest groups—but also DTC, Linus, and others!

Community & bonus points:

There will be some bonus point system for communities to earn additional points, as described in the table below.

With all these points distributed, we can accurately define your level of involvement in Linea’s ecosystem beyond the LXP and LXP-L campaigns.

The point allocation table is constructed similarly to what Arbitrum used. You’ll notice gaps every 3 points (like Arbitrum), which favors those who are highly engaged over multiple low-engagement wallets.

The difference between the first reward tier and the last will be 13x, which is extremely reasonable and fair.

The benefits of this airdrop model:

  1. Wallets that joined during Linea Park won’t necessarily be disqualified if they actively participated in Linea—especially with bonus & communities points linked to the Linea ecosystem.
  2. Super farmers who only completed tasks during campaigns won’t receive the entirety of the governance tokens.
  3. This distribution method will satisfy the vast majority of the community.

Thank you for reading me! I look forward to your feedback.


I know you from pond
I liked you on X
I love you on Linea Community Forum :sweat_smile: :rofl:

What a great work. Keep it up frogbro :100:


only thing that i am not sure about is Metamask Card
I want to use it so bad but its not live in Türkiye


You say there are 2m holders of lxp-l.
Then what is this table? Is it amount of lxp-l or rank of lxp-l holders?


It’s true that the Metamask card is not available in all regions of the world. Two options: either remove the Metamask card or lower it to 1 point to make it fairer for everyone.


This table concerns the ranks of LXP-L users, just like LXP, which starts at 1200 points.
This allows us to apply a necessary filter to exclude as many “low contributors” as possible.


Are you serious. we have 1.2m wallet with LXP and you take 1200 as minimum, that mean around 800k wallet. Around 65% wallet have point.
But you said 2m wallet with LXP-L, why you only take 340k wallet, only around 17%.
Please explain the difference. If you want 17% of lxp-l wallet are eligible for point, you should also take 17% of lxp wallet for eligibility, around 200k wallet, that mean lxp minimum should be 3k-3k5


This is against with what Linea team said “LXP and LXP-L are different, and not meant to use together”, so you cant combine it into final criteria. I suggest each have specify criteria and specify reward pool.


your idea is very subjective. I think you are the user who didn’t join much in LXP campaign, instead you prefer joining surqe campaign.


It’s interesting and I rather like this distribution that rewards the whole spectrum of contributions. Also the 13 times gap between the smallest and the largest allocation can satisfy everyone.

On the other hand, I find the ranking for LXP-L a little too restrictive. Only 340k qualified addresses out of 2 million seems a little too radical to me. Maybe doing the same proportional division with 1.2 million wallets would seem fairer to me. Otherwise it would give too much weight to the LXP-l compared to the LXP.

In any case, it is a “shifted” vision compared to the classic binary vision LXP / LXP-L which gives food for thought.


This is a great example of how to distribute the airdrop. I think it is very fair and worth a consideration


I agree, many people are in regions that cannot uise the MM card. Instead we can see how their MM wallet contributed, such as bridging and swapping using the MM wallet


I would agree that the use of the MM wallet to interact on linea should be the criteria. Such as swapping and bridging


very good context and breakdown. But I would like to see how long an active wallet has been using the network too. Some people are not fortunate enough to score high with LXP-L and could also use a boost from the amount time they spent on the network too. Just minimal point to help them get qualified


Thank you for your comment.

To address your concerns, a wallet with 1200 LXP is not eligible, as it only earns 1 point, and a minimum of 3 points is required. So if the user doesn’t earn 2 additional points—whether through LXP-L or community activities—they won’t receive anything.

To calculate the reward for the airdrop, as I mentioned, we need all the key metrics: TGE supply, valuation, token price, as well as the number of users who hold LXP, LXP-L, and have participated in community activities.

All the numbers you see are hypothetical; my goal is simply to demonstrate a reasoning process for determining the final reward. This ensures that we reward those who didn’t “only” complete LXP or LXP-L but also contributed to other meaningful activities that help build the community.


Thank you for your comment!

They mentioned that 1 LXP will not be equal to 1 LXP-L. That’s exactly the logic I’m following.

This method is specifically designed to favor those who participated in both campaigns—LXP and LXP-L—as well as in community activities. It goes beyond dividing the participants into “pro-LXP” or “pro-LXP-L” groups.

It’s up to Linea to decide where to set the bar for ranks and the points to assign to each user.

I’m simply presenting a solution that, in my opinion, will help Linea reward its most loyal users— which is the goal of every airdrop!


Hey Fresco!

Thanks for your comment.

I agree with you, the proportion might be poorly distributed regarding LXP-L, but you’ve understood the general idea. It will be up to Linea to find the right balance with all the data they have.

And also, I agree with you that is also important that to stay around 13 times gap between the smallest or the largest allocation!


Thank you!

Yes, I think it’s a general idea that can be perfectly applied to Linea. It’s somewhat inspired by what Arbitrum did back in 2023. Everyone appreciated the airdrop based on a point system.

Why not replicate what works while incorporating the innovations that Linea has introduced? (LXP, LXP-L, communities)

I believe this is the best way to reward their “extended” community—not just the hardcore communities like Foxy, Efrog, etc., but also those who participated sustainably with LXP and LXP-L, even without necessarily having a large capital.


Linea, and more broadly ConsenSys, have carried out hundreds of activities and developed numerous products. It’s up to them to decide which activities should be rewarded. I believe the ones I’ve listed are key activities, such as the Metamask card.

However, as highlighted in the comments, care must be taken to avoid diluting points in a way that penalizes users who don’t have access to certain features (like the Metamask card, which is only available in Europe).


That’s a very good point. Those with a small capital, like 1300 LXP, but who have provided liquidity for months and participated in community activities, should also be considered.

Otherwise, it would mean that only LXP holders (present since November 2023) and LXP-L participants (those with around 0.3 ETH - $1000 to provide liquidity for months) could be eligible.

The idea is to reward everyone while filtering out those who only did the bare minimum!