Help with Linea Dash board ranking and stats

Why does my Linea dashboard show no rank and no statistics when I have been an active user on Linea network for a year. I have one wallet and done proof of human. My wallet 0xc2116A86B803B5268cf5C5781fa9bcc154C2396e

All it shows is that I am an early user.

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Did you activate your wallet? Are you using an eligible protocol/token?

What dapp did you provide liquidity to?

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I have used tons of dexs and put funds on Stargate. If you look at my wallet you will see all my activity. Yes I activated my wallet months ago. Can you please get a dev to see why I am not show stats or xp? Makes no sense when it shows only early supporter. Also I have lxp I wouldn’t have that if I didn’t do stuff on linea please help. Can you please help me I have been a heavy user of linea and even if I didn’t put funds on a dapp I should still show a rank because I have used suncswap and pancake a lot. What does this mean?

The surge is about providing liquidity, so just using dapps to swap, etc., would not count for points. The surge also gives lxp-l, not lxp, receiving lxp-l has nothing to do with previous lxp you had received in the past.

Please see the faq post here on discord: Discord

You can also check your wallet score over Rubyscore and Nomis. Best of luck buddy!

So I will only get do points for what I have liquid staked not for all the history I have had on linea? What is the veterans box then? Like how do I know so many people with thousands of points and only 50 pooled?

You would have only gotten points from when the surge started on May 16th.

Veteran points status is assigned to strategic partners joining the Linea ecosystem. Veteran points are a multiplier we give on top of total points. If you have Veteran points, a % of your total points will be from Veteran points like in point model above. These are in a column included in the OpenBlocks dashboard.

Sorry not exactly sure what you mean by 50 pooled

So o have had for months 100 staked on Stargate and not showing that credit and then I staked 80 on syncswap for linea also. I been doing stuff on linea for a long time and have 1300 lxp so should I hav more points? Can you please look at my wallet I posted on dash board and also look at it on linea chain? Everyone k know doesn’t even put any liquid and they got tons of points and high rank.

For Stargate it also needs to be in farm and in v1 pools, as v2 is not supported yet. They are also having some issues right now they are working on and points will be updated as soon as they solve those issues on their side.

How much lxp you have has nothing to do with the surge and the points you get. lxp is completely separate from lxp-l you get from the surge.