When Flagging Turns Desperate: Why Is Flagging Being Misused?


It’s deeply concerning to see how some individuals misuse flagging systems to suppress differing opinions instead of engaging in meaningful dialogue. This behavior undermines the spirit of open discussion and the very principles that foster a thriving community.

I respectfully request the Linea team to address and prevent such misuse of reporting mechanisms, ensuring that they are used appropriately and not as a tool to silence legitimate viewpoints. Constructive criticism and diverse perspectives are vital for the growth and decentralization of any ecosystem, and actions to discourage such tactics will help maintain fairness and transparency.


this automatic system is terrible!
It’s a pity that there are no normal people here as moderators


I think it would only be fair to talk about misuse if it didn’t solely revolve around you.

You consistently break the rules, behave extremely aggressively, flood the forum with identical topics, spam links to your posts in other threads, insult users, and essentially fill the forum with negativity.

It’s nothing but tantrums, manipulations, and relentless pushing of your agenda. Your ideas have already been shared and read - what more do you want?

If you keep behaving this way, I’d be glad to see you moved to Read-Only mode.


There are moderators and a decent automated system. Be polite, don’t attack people and you won’t run into problems like 99.9% of people on this forum.


Are you so brazen that you attack people, insult them and their ideas, impose them, and then complain when you receive a fair answer?

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I agree these few ones gang up to report falsely lol

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If presenting a logical opinion and advocating fairness is what you interpret as “attacking,” perhaps you should reassess your understanding of constructive dialogue.

First, go and read the conversation thoroughly before accusing others of imposing or attacking. I criticized ideas, not individuals a crucial distinction. If you’re unwilling to engage with facts and prefer framing me as the aggressor, that’s on you.

Let’s clarify a few things:

Breaking rules? None of my posts have violated the TOS. Strong views, yes. Constructive criticism, absolutely. Insults or breaking rules? No. If you have examples, feel free to cite them.

Aggression and spamming? Sharing opinions passionately is not aggression. Reiterating points when they’re being misinterpreted is not spamming. If the forum is flooded with negativity, perhaps it’s because constructive dialogue is being replaced by flagging and deflection.

Agenda pushing? Advocating for fairness is not an agenda it’s a principle. If you have issues with the ideas, challenge them with logic, not personal attacks.

You put yourself above others time and time again. You used offensive language time and time again. I don’t even want to read what you write here because you don’t listen to what others tell you. A typical deviant manipulator.

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You are aggressive. You are intrusive. You are clogging up the forum. You are receiving feedback from those around you. You are no better than anyone else.

I didn’t report anything. Another lie spewed by you on this forum.

I see you’re getting ahead of yourself! That wasn’t even a reply to you, but thanks for stepping in anyway. Maybe try reading a little more carefully before firing off your next response.


Wow, this guy continues to attract attention to himself with noise and hysterics? Unexpectedly :joy:


I can see this has sparked quite a bit of attention, but I’m not looking to dive into that. :joy:

We are aware that posts are being flagged for unnecessary reasons and the team is taking care of them. If we see this issue continues we will take further actions to restrict certain users abusing the features or restrict requirements for users to be able to flag posts. We have seen you have brought up this issue before so please refrain from continuing to create new topics around this issue.


There is an automated system for security purposes to take care of scammers/spammers, and there is also an option for users to manually flag posts. The issue raised by OP is from users manually flagging posts.

There is also a full team of moderators here taking care of this.

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ok . thanks for the answer and explanation!

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Thank you for addressing the flagging issue and for ensuring fairness in the forum. I genuinely appreciate the team’s efforts to maintain a respectful environment for everyone.

The repeated flagging has been quite challenging, as it closed the previous thread and left me unable to reply or continue the conversation. I’d like to clarify that flagging has been happening so frequently that I felt compelled to create a new topic since the last one was closed, and I couldn’t respond or share my perspective there.

I understand your concerns and will be mindful not to create new threads on this matter moving forward. Thank you for your understanding and support in resolving this


This little gang who want 6000 LXP for a NFT is misusing the flag feature, my comments are also flagged.


You were flagged quite rightly, you used loud words, aggressive forms and statements that offend users.

Here is an example of what is unfair. Moderators do a good job and check such flags.