DISCLAIMER: I ask every member of the community who reads this to write a comment on the forum stating that this is important to you! We cannot allow sybils to ruin everything!
I’ve been postponing this post for a long time. First, because Linea is playing nice with sybils, being cautious and trying to avoid confrontation. Second, and as a result of the first, most people probably don’t care.
Either way, I took some time to conduct a small investigation.
Here you will find an example of disgusting activity that harms Linea and the community as a whole, with examples and proof provided in screenshots.
I think everyone has noticed that since the appeal form for Nansen’s filtering was published, the forum has been flooded with sybils trying to whitewash themselves, lobby for their interests, or attack the community and various groups to reduce the likelihood of them getting an allocation. Things escalated even further with the filters targeting abusers using AdsPower (even though Linea has once again taken an extremely weak and overly tolerant stance toward fraudsters and abusers).
At the same time, market struggles, news about the TGE delay, and the general pressure of uncertainty have significantly impacted the real community’s activity on the forum.
As a result, the so-called “majority opinion” on the forum is now dominated by abusers and saboteurs.
Here’s an example:
His sabotage tweet:
// https://x.com/unohooooo/status/1896528331190702393
and topic :
A guy, with the goal of sabotaging and getting the filters revoked, created a topic filled with lies and manipulations. Then, he called on other abusers who were also filtered out to attack the forum and push his agenda. Screenshots below + an English translation of the post:
“Guys, a post addressing Linea has been published. Boost engagement—like, repost, and comment. Later today, I’ll personally reach out to some team members and post a message on the blog.”
Here, he admits to boosting the post’s engagement using his multi-accounts and calls on other people from abuser chats to attack the team.
Here, they got their hopes up because team representatives are openly engaging with sybils and listening to them. He’s asking other abusers whether it’s worth pushing the KYC idea (this idea benefits them since they have KYC sellers on OTC + multiple verified exchange accounts).
Here’s the sybils’ response in short:
- Why complicate things?
- To show that we are real people, not a big sybil farm.
- How am I supposed to pass KYC on 100 accounts?!?
- Crypto was created to avoid KYC in the first place.
“Well, they’ll say it wasn’t for nothing that they shaved you, and that you were really using ADS for a huge farm. I’m ready for KYC if that’s the only option. And even if only 5 out of 100 wallets pass, it’s still better than having all 100 shaved. Right now, we need to prove to them that we weren’t using ADS to create a farm from 100 wallets.”
“Due to ADS, 100 wallets have ended up on the sybil list, and you won’t get anything from them. The company will offer KYC, and hypothetically, you will manage to pass 5, 10, or 15 wallets, but this will still be better than getting nothing from all 100. That’s what I’m getting at.”
Here, the guy is saying that for a large number of KYC verifications, KYC services that sell verifications will need to be used.
And here is the topic author with ideas for “SAVING JUSTICE”:
In general, here’s my reply:
"Yes, the first option is exactly that — redoing the PoH for a specific list of addresses. Users will need to reconnect their social accounts, which are only accessible to the original wallet owners, not the hacker. The final step is wallet re-linking.
If you want to enhance the security level, you can add KYC with official documents."
Also, I’ll add about the second option:
The second option is to restore access through withdrawal history to exchanges.
The user provides the address they withdrew funds to before 2025, prior to the hack (usually, this would be an exchange address). If this address is verified, the wallet gets the recovery status and the option to specify either the exchange address or a new address to receive the reward.
Please like the response: [link]
Here, he’s sharing his successes and the responses from the Linea team.
“Please write comments here asking to let us honest users go through KYC and receive the rewards we deserve. It’s better than nothing.”
“I’ll also reply later from other multi-accounts.”
// Discord
Here, the author of the message is urging to attack more actively and also start attacking Discord.
In this message, I’ve provided an example of just one chat. By using Telegram’s search, I found many more, most of them in Russian, probably because this messenger is more popular there. Some of the chats were in Asian languages.
LINEA, please pay attention to this, and take a tougher stance on the ADSPOWER abusers. These same guys in the chats boast that you only removed part of the wallets!
This harms not only you but also your loyal community, which is forced to fight off this mafia and waste time on pointless conversations, since this mafia doesn’t listen to arguments and has only one goal.
These same mafias promote the ideas of Arbitrum criteria because they manipulate transactions, volumes, contracts, and hold up to 1500 LXP. The 1500 LXP filter is also vital! These scoundrels are attacking your COINMMUNITY! Shamelessly accusing, sabotaging, and inventing fakes.
Please, it’s time to put an end to this chaos!