The money did not come

Hi, tell me, yesterday, through the official website of Linea Bridge, I transferred ETH on the Linea network to the official ETH network and the money did not arrive, and the money that was on the official network is also not there. Help

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When bridging through the official (canonical) bridge, funds don’t arrive instantly. Especially when you bridge from Linea to Ethereum, it can take between 8 to 32 hours to arrive and you will have to claim your funds on Ethereum when the Claim funds button appears on the bridge UI history.

In the future use partnered bridges to bridge to and from Linea, as the canonical bridge is aimed towards developers and more advanced users.

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It’s been two days and the money still hasn’t arrived. What’s happening

hey @sp1d7 , open the bridge page, can you see the claim button?
you need to claim the funds on Ethereum, which will cost some gas.

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that’s it, I pressed this button 2 days ago and all the money was debited from the mainnet eth network ($7) and the money still hasn’t arrived, the 10$ that I wanted to send to the mainnet eth network is not there and the money is not there not on the official network either

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please contact the support team. (remove the space after //)


it show that bridge is completed so normaly it will show you the ETH bridged when you are in Linea Network. can you send the transaction hash ?