Some Linea testnet nft holders did not get lxp due to late poh verification

What should be done about this because I am in this category and I feel I have waste my time all along, no sign of sybil detected just was not online during the lxp distribution around November 2024, I will be happy if there is a form to fill for rechecking.

Sigh, i think the team is long past that now

If you did not complete poh before the deadline then unfortunately there is nothing that can be done now.

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Dude, it’s been months, you should have gone and talked to them back then. Now unfortunately there’s nothing you can do.

I feel bad for u. But they’ve been reminding people for months to get poh to get lxp for their testnet.

I’m afraid it’s already too late

It is not too late, other forms is still going on Sybil’s and co.

It’s too late bro.