I was appearing as Sybil on poh.linea.build (even though I am actually Sybil, and I was even banned from the DC). Currently, I do not appear as Sybil, but the LXP distribution has been made. I want my rights. Please help me.
No one helped me. I just wanted to manual detection but they banned me from Discord. I want my rights plz.
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This is the latest announcement in regards to sybils:
Today we reactivated POH for around 2,000 users that were incorrectly reported as sybils. 
The re-enabled users belong to two clusters of false positive users that had interacted with Chainge Finance and Rhino.fi smart contracts.
We are still investigating other potential false positives and will update you as soon as we have more information.
Sybil’s investigation is a complex topic and involves performing predictive analysis while considering different factors. As always, we are striving to put real users at the forefront.
Please wait for more announcements about the ongoing investigation to come. There will be a retro-mint of the Linea Park LXP when the sybil analysis is concluded.
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Thank you very much.
Will you give me my lxp points from lineapark?
And also can you open my Discord ban
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LXP will drop whenever LXP will be minted to be dropped. No info on when that will happen, but yes, you would get it.
You will not be unbanned.
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Wish that you can have that sorted out around here! best of luck and don’t trust any links sent here as well. Stay safe!