Some fair suggestions on token design base on community feedbacks: Let's vote

User Support The following are the key highlights from the community for a successful airdrop.

  • Lxp and lxpl should be separated
  • lxp should be proportionally balanced tired while lxpl should be linea, top x lxpl addresses should be capped to a maximum
  • a multiplyer should be applied x number of transactions before the fee was reduced
  • there should be a minimum amount of lxps but a bonus should be given to help active participant in the network qualify for the minimum point or people with below minimum points should be group under a certain tire, this way every one get a share irrespective of the amount of lxps but rewarded base on hard work, dedication and fee spent
  • at least 25% should be allocated
  • small allocation to strong linea communities, active forum participants, etc, based on team’s decision
    If you agree vote yes, if no add suggestion
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters


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Nice proposal