Proposal Should be Idle Not Bias

As I went through all the proposals, I saw that there were only two proposals that got the most viewed, most discussed, and most criticized. One is @Kanenz proposal which is Tier based and Hybrid model, that generally covers all the proactive users who will get as per their contributed efforts, time and involvement. Around 99% don’t have any disagreement with this proposal.

The second one, @LeChiffre proposal, which is also tier-based, however, the most controversial proposal too. He assigned bonus points to Efrog community biasedly. Yes, after reading this, Efrog PFP profiles as well as Efrog hidden profiles will come to advocate, attack, argue non-sense.

My simple question is “WHY Efrog HOLDERS WILL GET EQUIVALENT OF 6000 LXP?”
What did other communities do wrong? What crime they have done?
1 Efrog not equals to ≠ 3+ other Communities


As he mentioned on the proposal, holding of 1 Efrog will give 6000 LXP. Really?? Don’t say you are OG NFT community, you have made Linea popular, The existance of Linea only depends on Efrog Community, Linea is nothing without Efrog, bla bla bla…

There is a word called idle / optimal and there is a word bias. The proposal is biased toward Efrog holders just because you guys are holding Efrog and gatekeeping. To enter your community a user has to pay 1500$ for what benefits.

Just because you guys speculating who are holding Efrogs will get around 6000LXP (5 points) as a bonus? It will be idle if the proposal creator is given 3x bonus points instead of 5x. Also, the proposal creator after seeing all the controversy on the forum still didn’t change this point system as he gets fueled by his fellow Efrog mates with nonsense arguments. 3x bonus will be equivalent to 3600LXP which is idle, but not 6000LXP.

Yes, I know outrage will come from Efrog community, but I don’t talk rubbish. Only, raise points that are justified.

Don’t argue to fill your bag heavy or just because “we are just little 1600 holders.” It’s not decentralization. If that is the case then the team should distribute 77 top LXP holders who are very small compare to the 1600 Efrog community. No need of decentralization.

Then only advocating and shouting “OG” will get all the rewards. Nobody has any rights to get anything. No need Nansen, Sybil filtration, hacked wallet separation, just give reward to top 77 LXP holders because they are much more OG than you guys.

Lechiff if you really care about communities, not only any specified group, you should self-analyze your own proposal again and ideally give bonus points without bias to every community. It feels like the Efroglet, Croak, Froxy, Foxy, Bunny, and other communities have been betrayed.

@Chinzilla @KBeeTheCapybara @nakedwinnie @Lineamaxi @dfox @bigironchris


I wish TGE would come soon so that these passengers would get lost sooner.



Go and read the answer to this and many other questions in the same thread where you pulled those screenshots from. You’re spamming the forum again. Everything has already been written and discussed there

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Lol, nothing to discuss here. Team please throw out this sibil trash

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I would just laugh how non-sensse people are still exist in this forum. At least open that proposal and read. First of all that is not my proposal or created. Check my comment there. If you have guts don’t delete and edit it, mate!

Now, check the my comment there without editing:

At least read properly before comment Dear Sybilllllll…

I am discussing again here for idle solution and properly rectify the biased bonus point. As I told, Efrog holders will come to argue without any proper reasoning. It’s just beginning, I know I will get outrage from from whole group but I raised only facts.


Unfortunately your judgments are superficial, and your text contains a significant amount of misinformation and outright falsehoods, primarily in the quoted section. These fabrications are disgusting to even read, but on this forum, everyone is free to write whatever they want without any responsibility for their words.

In reality, all of this has already been discussed multiple times on this forum, for example, in this thread:

Unfortunately, your topic brings nothing new apart from a few fabrications and distortions. By attempting to undermine someone’s efforts and create division within the community, you only reinforce the significance of that very work - otherwise, why go to such lengths? If something has no value, it wouldn’t even be worth the effort.

I suggest focusing on genuinely important topics, such as helping the team identify cases of network misuse and abuse. Leave the reward program to the team. They’re smart people, deeply embedded in the ecosystem, and they undoubtedly know who deserves recognition and why.

Meanwhile, the eFrogs community keeps moving forward alongside its friends and partners in the ecosystem - participating in gaming seasons, testing and building new software, launching memes, new communities, and NFT collections. As you can see, most people couldn’t care less about these speculations and attempts to judge someone else’s work.

A reminder to our fellow frogs once again:

“Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.”

Matthew 7:6 (NIV)

I wish everyone goodness, success and amazing prospects in 2025! Croak!


For your kind information, I tagged Lechiff and suggested to re-analyze his bonus point proposal and give idle points to all communities not to be biased for a specific community. Yes, it’s just beginning of attacks from holders as I predicted earlier.

If you really read my comment thoroughly, you would have suggest him to give bonus point appropriately. Instead, you are doing what I have earlier predicted. There should be constructive criticism, but your pathetic thinking have no space to think about wider communities.

I already read his proposal several times. He proposed with good intention except not agree with his bias bonus point allocation. Seems you didn’t read my post or ignored as you can’t face it.
You don’t have guts to take it positively instead bashing with full power.

Then talking bla bla bla… (move on, leave reward program, community building… ) Do I ever disagree with that. Linea has one of the Greatest roadmap I have ever seen with experienced builders including Joseph Lubin, the real ultimate OG. Then @yuriib why are you so arrogant and don’t have b*ls to take the criticism nicely.

We all want a great success of entire of Linea ecosystem including Defi, Memes, NFTs, etc. Not only any specific community which you are fond of.

Last but not least, humans created ChatGPT, ChatGPT did not create humans. It’s made to enhance and easier human work with fewer errors. If anyone uses ChatGPT to portray his words, there is no problem until they are spamming the whole forum with the same answer with multiple regenerates.

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If something like this happens this airdrop would be even stupider than the zksync airdrop

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It is always good to join Og communities.

Why you undo and edited your comment bro? It is what I expected from you guys… thrashing every voice which against your holders. Don’t have power to face constructive criticism.

Whenever I raised voice someone from your holders come here to just shouting “OG OG” but don’t have guts to say what is justified and idle. Can’t say we will accept without favoring any single communities. Linea ecosystem build by everyone’s contributions, we are all in one team but without favoring our bags.

That’s what the editing feature .I don’t know why you took a screenshot, but it looks pathetic. This is not classified information :smiley:

Check the edits again.I like living rent-free in your brain.

There could be a separate pool for Nft awards. Why is this of interest to you? Comparing it to LXP seems quite inaccurate.
60% LXP

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I don’t have sick mentality like you mate, we are not same. Multiple times edited just to bully me. You shared an image which doesn’t make any sense regarding this context. Same old method when don’t have any valid point propagate things which are not appropriate. Self proclamation to show you are OG and none other community exists. @Loza

I know what you mean. It’s a feeling of being left behind.
But I assure you, it’s not too late.

I have write this thread to Lechiff now whole Efrog holders gone mad and try their level best to attack without knowing the actual context. Nor, I tagged them.

I don’t wanna be your dumping ground.

There isn’t a single OG frog in the thread except for Yurii. I seriously doubt these guys have any real connection to the community - I haven’t seen them before. In any case, if someone is demonstrating idiotic behavior, that’s no reason to project it onto the entire community. It just reflects the bias in a thread about impartiality.

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Well written but missed the context. First read the full thread then come to comment here.

I think efrog is very important for Linea.I don’t understand why you’re attacking them.