L0 sybil list is rubbish

L0 sybil filtration process is rubbish…when they first announced sybil filtration from community made mess and no control over sybil list. Second time 0.5ETH bonding criteria announced from who submitted sybil list. Minimum wallets report criteria it was 30 wallets i think. Many PPL did not find 30 wallets at glance and to qualify they have included many innocent wallets in the clusters. L0 team does not have time to check each cluster manually and approved all wallets as sybil submitted by the community without cross checking. I am one of the victim and my wallet is marked as sybil from L0 and appealed many times but they did not bothered or checked due to time constrain. Now here many PPL are demanding to consider L0 sybil list. L0 sybil list is big rubbish and not done properly due time constraint and intentionally disqualified many wallets. I strongly appeal Linea team to proceed with final sybil list submitted by Nancen and put the other criteria like tier system and staking, LP etc…

Thanks and Regards


Actually, it’s not.
Only one thing which they have done wrong was allocated only 8.5% of Total supply.
Participated almost 6 million wallets and 1.28 million wallets were eligible. Around 22% eligible wallets.

All these claims which you have made, he just replied the speculated question on X with “may be”. but not implemented in final sybil criteria. They did mainly 2 things (exclude sybil bounty hunter program):

  1. They have given time to all sybil users an opportunity to self-report within the next 14 days in return for 15% of their intended allocation, no questions asked

  2. They hired Nansen to re-check the all participated addresses and filter sybil farmers. Only sybil farmers are not happy with the result as their wallet marked as sybil. Most of people who try to game with system by minted bunch of valueless NFT to increase contract counts and to increase transactions bridged $1 back and forth across chains for the sake of having touched a chain.

Additionally, given low weightage to transactions 1/5 for using sybil farming applications Merkly, L2pass, L2Marathon. etc.

The final sybil list resulted in the exclusion of 10 million+ $ZRO tokens that might have otherwise been claimed by sybil accounts.

If you think you are a sybil, you are most likely a sybil

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Why rubbish? Wouldn’t it be good for all of us if even one sybil was eliminated?

Smart people don’t copy homework. Please believe in Linea’s ruling, just like you believe in Jesus.

100% rubbish

Quick sybil test :joy:

These lists can be a great addition to filters, no matter how much some people complain about them.