Prioritize Fairness, Not Privilege: Least or No Multipliers of $LINEA for so called "Community NFT" holders. Here’s why

Well mate you are mistaken my views I’m not attacking any collection, but I’m strongly against the idea that owning an NFT should entitle anyone to massive rewards. It’s unfair to those who’ve earned their LXP/LLXP points through genuine contributions. We shouldn’t be rewarding those who simply bought into hype or speculation.

The line should be drawn at active contributions, not the speculative buy-in. High multipliers for NFTs would only fuel free-riding behavior and hurt the integrity of the reward system. The real value comes from active participants who are driving the ecosystem forward not from people who are holding speculative assets and hoping for a payout.

I think there’s a misunderstanding here. First, I want to clarify that I’m not attacking anyone or any community. I’ve been getting attacked with TOS-violating comments for simply sharing my views. All I’m doing is speaking up for fairness in the ecosystem.

You mentioned there’s no airdrop yet, but you also went into great detail about what EFrog has done. That’s fine, but it doesn’t directly address the issue of rewarding NFT holders with large multipliers. While contributions are great, the focus should remain on those who’ve consistently contributed to the ecosystem, not just speculative holders.

The purpose of this space is for feedback, and I’m voicing my opinion as part of the community something I believe should be respected without jumping to conclusions about my intentions. Constructive criticism is always welcome, but let’s make sure we’re addressing the core issue and not sidestepping it.

Well here is better NEW thread: