Lxp-l should be valued at least as much as lxp

I think that lxp-l should be given great importance for the future of linea. Many people multiplied lxp,However, it was not possible to multiply LXP-L. If you divided your balance into 20 wallets, the points you would collect were the same.Of course, an upper limit can be set for this so that it is not only focused on whales. Users who collect lxp-l are real users who keep balance on the platform.

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Next time, instead of instantly creating a new account to like your own post, waiting a bit might make it more believable.


Yes, the person who liked it is my friend, we are both opening accounts here for the first time, she probably liked it out of politeness, not because she approved it :slight_smile:

The Linea team has done a great job cleaning up, and I believe new filters will be added soon, considering the AdsPower database.

What’s stopping people from multiplying LXP-L across multiple accounts in the same way? Exactly - it makes no sense. Why? Because scaling is initially done through capital, and there’s no need to create multiple accounts.

So, your idea was meaningless from the start.

Plus, the Linea team has repeatedly stated that LXP-L will be “cheaper” than LXP but never specified the multiplier. The reason: Proof of Work > Proof of Stake.


Thank you, when I heard from many people that they have 10-20 accounts that earn LXP and that they are not disqualified, I think that there may be a filtering that there is not enough LXP-l in these accounts. There may be a filtering that only those who earn LXP and do not keep enough balance in the network and leave the network can be eliminated.The airdrop could be distributed much more fairly if those with multiple accounts were properly disqualified. I just noticed this site, maybe these have been discussed many times before, of course I just wanted to share my opinion.

Well, if you’re hearing this from certain people, it becomes clear what kind of circles you’re in and the real reason behind such a proposal :grin:

The truth is, the filters are highly effective - just as true as the fact that sellers of automation software will never admit how badly they failed, just like those who bought those programs. The remaining cases will either be filtered out or suppressed by the tier system. You’ll soon see the outrage from the sybil mafia.

I’d recognize it anywhere. Someone who hasn’t done LXP duties is trying to shit on LXP.

Maybe you have a problem with reading and understanding? Here I say that lxp-l is at least as important as lxp. Do I say airdrop should be made only to those who purchase LXP-L? You better see a neurosurgeon

Yes my little brained friend. It’s very polite of you to think that I don’t understand what you’re saying and try to explain it to me. The problem is exactly that you think lxp and lxpl must be equal. Also it’s pretty obvious you don’t know what a neurosurgeon does . Keep your medical advice to yourself and those around you :D.

I’m pretty sure you don’t have a brain so I’m ending the conversation here.

funny to read lol

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LXP is far more valuable than LXP-L, and prioritizing LXP-L is a mistake. The best approach, as mentioned by others and myself, is to implement a tier-based system. Instead of focusing on a single item, they should evaluate everything as a whole.

For example: One person performed well in a certain area, another did excellently, and another did exceptionally well. Each of them should earn a specific amount of points based on that criterion.

The ideal approach is a tier system where progression is based on accumulated points for each aspect of engagement. The best system is one that considers everything as a whole rather than just one isolated factor.


Of course I agree with what you say. This team also determined the Lxp-l campaign and we kept our funds in the linea network for 6 months. Instead of evaluating it differently, we preferred it because of this points campaign in the linea network, so I hope they care about Lxp-l as much as they care about LXP when distributing, of course, it is in the hands of this team, I have accumulated both of them quite well.Of course, everyone here will want their own focus to be the airdrop criterion. They will not make everyone happy, but I hope they will make real users and the general public happy.For example, it can be 45% lxp, 35% lxp-l, 20% nft and other criteria.

As there was no POH required for LXP-L, industrial sybil farmers will be happy to get this criteria. LXP-L required only Liquidity and other hand for LXP, you have to active Linea ecosystem, participate in Private Testnet, Testnet, Mainnet, various quests where you have to complete many tasks, pay gas fees, wait for Linea faucet, so on. It took time, energy, money, dedication without looking time zone and rush hours, multiple time quest got delayed due to bugs fixing, protocols maintenances and heavy traffic. However, for LXP-L only provide liquidity where you also earned APY for your liquidity provision and staking.

The team said that LXP would be worth much more than LXP-L. The LXP-L campaign was not successful. It lasted the maximum period of 6 months and liquidity providers received interest income.

I disagree. And Linea initially positioned itself differently.