Real problem is LXP-L

Community has discussed mostly LXP, but how about LXP-L?

More than 95% of LXP-L points has been collected by Top 1% wallets.

I also scanned Top 1% LXP-L address and found out a lot of them has not participated in even single of LXP campaign. LXP-L is simply whale’s money to win game.

I propose that Linea team set maximum $LINEA token allocation per wallet.

We have focused on Sybil detection to avoid small group owns too much tokens and dump all at TGE.

This concept must also applied to LXP-L. If Linea team simply give linear distribution for LXP-L, Top 1% whales will have all $LINEA token which is against decentralization.

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This is good perspective.

Community also needs to talk about LXP-L distribution as well.

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Let’s wait for announcement this week.

Linea and Consensys/Metamask have announced many positive news on Twitter recently.

Hope all those positive factor will benefit Linea blockchain.

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Yes, this is true. Like LXP allocation for NFT stacking, there will be some agathism to assign airdrop.

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