Guys, I want to add my thoughts: these people have lost money and their account farming setups, but they cling to the hope that hackers no longer have access to their wallets and that they’ll still receive the Linea drop. I’ve analyzed the chats, and they’re calling for users of the browser to be “white-listed,” telling tearful stories about how they’ve been in the ecosystem for a long time, that they’re early adopters, and that they have monthly transactions, and so on.
The truth is, they really do have all of that - but across hundreds of accounts they farmed daily in hopes of securing the drop and immediately dumping the tokens after the listing.
They’re trying to appeal to the idea that it’s “just a browser” and can supposedly be used for different purposes.
But the reality is that the wallets of people who used a plugin for mass-installing MetaMask in this browser were hacked. This means that if someone wanted to create 100 accounts, they could install 100 extensions in 100 browser sessions with just one click.
No sane person would use this paid browser, with its monthly subscription and multi-account creation functionality, for their personal wallet. This is blatant, disgusting dishonesty. They will try to feed you this narrative and manipulate you - PLEASE DO NOT FALL FOR IT. This tool was specifically designed to bypass identification systems and create mass accounts, and it has been compromised, losing all trust.
So, there are two outcomes here:
- The tokens from these wallets will be stolen by hackers after the airdrop.
- The tokens will be claimed by scammers and abusers.
The chance that these wallets will hold the tokens without dumping? Zero.
The chance that anyone using these wallets will participate in governance? Zero.
LINEA TEAM, please do not make a mistake and play into the lies of these scammers. This is a very serious issue, and it’s a golden opportunity to remove wallets that are extremely difficult to identify from the distribution.