Allow Changing Compromised Wallets for Linea Users Affected by the Hacker

Dear Linea Team,

I want to bring attention to a serious issue related to the recent hack in the Linea network, where a hacker stole ETH from a large number of wallets.

After conducting my own analysis, I identified more than 19,000 affected wallets, which can be categorized as follows:

2,669 wallets had no LXP
1,262 wallets had up to 1,000 LXP
7,283 wallets had up to 2,000 LXP
3,792 wallets had up to 3,000 LXP
1,903 wallets had up to 4,000 LXP
1,217 wallets had up to 5,000 LXP
771 wallets had up to 6,000 LXP
138 wallets had up to 7,000 LXP
62 wallets had up to 8,000 LXP

However, I am certain that my analysis does not account for all affected wallets because:

  • The hacker hardly touched wallets with a balance below $33 in the Linea network.
  • Wallets holding LXP but without ETH theft in Linea were not included in my research (I can analyze these as well if the team requires).
  • Among the affected addresses, there are likely users who did not pass POH.

Why this matters to me and many others

Personally, I had four wallets with an LXP balance of over 5,000 that were hacked, resulting in a loss of approximately $3,000. I have been participating in Linea since the early testnet, providing liquidity in Surge, and completing all quests manually without using scripts. Additionally, I am a holder of an NFT received for testnet activity.

Many loyal users, including myself, strongly believe that affected wallets should not be excluded from the Sybil list just because they used the popular program ADS Power.

Proposal: Allow Wallet Change for Hacked Users

To prevent potential misuse by the hacker, the process could include:

  • Verification through Discord, email, and Twitter, which were used for POH and completing quests.
  • Checking activity and participation in the testnet and Surge program.
  • Additional criteria to ensure that only real users can recover their rewards.

Many active community members have invested a significant amount of time in developing the Linea ecosystem and should not suffer due to an attack beyond their control.

I sincerely hope that the team considers this issue and provides affected users with the opportunity to change their wallet while maintaining fairness and security.

Thank you for your time and understanding.


The fact that they used ADS Power already disqualifies them. Let’s not pretend this is about “loyal users” these were multi-account farmers abusing the system. Now that they got caught, they want sympathy and a free pass?

If they were legitimate participants, why were they running multiple accounts through automation tools? Actions have consequences, and trying to re-enter through a backdoor after being flagged is just another attempt at manipulation. The system should remain fair, and that means keeping abusers out.

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Why do you need 4 wallets? will you be using with 4 wallets after tge too? :joy:

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What exactly do you see as automated in ADS Power? The team is not fighting against people who created some accounts because they fully understand that having several accounts is normal. What is not normal is using scripts, especially when gas fees dropped, and suddenly tens of thousands of such accounts appeared. These accounts are now marked as Sybils.

Can you please tell me how many accounts you created?

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Have multiple accounts = use scripts.
Why do you need more than 1 account in LINEA activities?

There is no evidence in history that any L2 airdrop replaced compromised wallets. It’s a complex work and almost impossible to do. Better talk to any ethical hacker if he can rescue those wallets.

Great analysis bro. My some wallets were also hacked. Honestly, those who claim that having more than one account is sybil likely have hundreds themselves and just want a larger share of the airdrop. In linea, almost no one has just one account while completing all the quests. If you check any community, you’ll see that most people have several accounts, there wouldn’t be much sense in putting effort into these quests. Many participants are also involved in other projects at the same time.

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Can you imagine how many attempts there will be to redirect LXp to unauthorized accounts?

Who would verify all this? I assure you that there will be more points stolen from this than actual robbed users saved.

There is no good way out here. We are sorry but you got robbed so you have to bear the consequences

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Abusers using AdsPower were hacked via MASS WALLET INSTALLATION PLUGIN.

Stop publishing this fairy tale crap about someone using AdsPower in crypto for noble purposes. This is a browser for replacing fingerprints, IPs, etc. to bypass systems and create multi-accounts. It also has built-in functions for automating activity and mass actions.



Why make concessions for those who were destructive from the start? All sybils, including adspower users, should simply be excluded from the distribution.

The same assholes who tried to game the system and deceive regular users - thinking they were above everyone else - are now preaching about fairness. Lol.


Are you even aware of how linea campaigns were conducted when you say such nonsense?

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To everyone saying that all users with two accounts should be banne, what are your true intentions? Maybe you are the hackers who want to take our tokens!
I don’t want to argue with you. I reached out to the team because I want to find a solution to this situation.
You talk about thousands of requests, but I’ve already provided an analysis showing that the number of affected wallets is not that high. If a wallet cannot verify itself through Discord, email, or Twitter, then it simply won’t have a chance to recover.
So what’s the difficulty here? If you had multiple accounts, you must have Discord, Twitter, and email linked to them. It’s that simple.
Banning everyone who used ADS Power is not a fair solution. At the very least, the tokens will still be sent to these addresses. Then it’s just a matter of who withdraws them first the real user or the hacker.

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While idk why you had 4 wallets with lxp points (inserts kekw), my wallet i used for linea testnet and early mainnet got compromised in december 2024 so i had to transfer what was left majorly my nfts to another wallet which had no lxp or lxp-l points.

If something can be done for me to be able to claim the compromised wallet rewards on my new wallet it would be nice

I highly doubt you have one wallet.

you’re questioning why someone had four wallets with LXP, but you conveniently want an exception for yourself because your wallet got compromised? Kekw indeed.

You moved your assets but left out LXP? That’s either negligence or a convenient excuse now that rewards are on the table. If compromised wallets deserve special treatment, then why should anyone trust that multi-account farmers won’t abuse this loophole?

The system was designed to reward real users fairly, not to create endless backdoors for selective exceptions. If you want consistency, then the rule applies to everyone including you.

Oh, so now the defense is “ADS Power isn’t automation”? Let’s not insult everyone’s intelligence. ADS Power is literally designed to manage multiple identities and browser environments exactly what Sybil farmers use to game systems. The team isn’t clueless; they know the difference between a real user and someone running a coordinated farming operation.

And now you’re trying to shift the narrative *“multiple accounts are normal” while conveniently ignoring the fact that thousands of these accounts miraculously became active the moment gas fees dropped. That’s not organic participation; that’s scripted abuse.

So here’s a better question: How many wallets did you really create? Because the team already has their answer.

One compromised wallet with lxp and nfts and few crumbs were tranfered to another wallet, thats 2 wallet with only one having lxp and lxp-l points. How do you compare that with 4 wallets with lxp point. I honestly delibrated if i should reply this response or not because it makes no sense to me.
You clearly read with eagerness to respond and not to understand my comment.

You still haven’t shared your wallet, bro. What exactly are you trying to prove?
I’ve explained the core issue, we’re not here to debate who’s a farmer and who’s not. The team has already identified 500K addresses. Right now, we’re discussing how to change the address for receiving linea tokens.
Do you have anything to say on that matter?

This should be worked on so as to give the linea community a sense of belonging. Ways to claim their drop in another wallet should be included in the claim page as done by other projects…
Nice work mate… Keep the good work.

This is a very serious issue the linea team should look into to help many users so that they would be able to claim on a new wallet at launch.

My only wallet on linea with 5.4K LXP got compromised in December 2024, since then the hacker has already claimed my OBT and BERA airdrop, thanks to story protocol for allowing us to claim on a new wallet, I would have lost that one to him too…

We all know how stressful Linea was from testnet to mainnet and being one of the loyal members since 2022, I would gladly appreciate if linea team can help as this will strengthen the bonds between the team and the community.

Thanks :pray:

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