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I did the standard test transactions:

  1. Used a bridge from the goerli testnet to the goerli linea testnet
  2. Exchanged ETH for ETH crWETH, no errors occurred when repeating swaps
  3. Added a pair of WETH + hETH tokens to the ETH Linea Pool liquidity pool
    There were no errors during testing

Wallet for testing

Transaction examples

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I tested an interesting platform, everything works fine

I tried swapping many times but too slow, got me discouraged at firts but made it eventually

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Everything works stably, the interface is pleasant and intuitive.

Swapping has been pending for over 3 hours now. Gas fees are considerably low

Tried almost all features, but for more I guess need to spend a bit of money.

Everything is good and I have met some errors and I’ll think its fix soon…

this is my address:
sometimes fail to swap, but it can be done with high slippage
also bugs with adding lp

my address 0xC77dE966aE9cB9F2811Ea784D64Ba0735cc683Bc
mostly bugs when adding lp

Cant mint

Why does not it work?

I have swapped for more than 20 minutes but no results yet


The same… too long. Even when speeding up


Increase gas 4 gwei…it will work nicely

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there are was some errors.
always writing an error, but swap is already done, i guess you need to fix it.

Please be patient as there are many transactions on the testnet at the this time.

If you would like, you can cancel or speed up. Here is more information on our Knowledge Base:


Add liquidty eror

uniswap not work proper and transaction are vary slow.

There were errors when the transaction was confirmed, but I could not withdraw or deposit funds into the pool, but after a while the errors disappeared or when I reloaded the page

in pending for a while