Restoring Justice for Affected Linea Users After the AdsPower Hack: A Solution for Fair Airdrop Access

I ask you to unban my account, which was hacked via ADS. This is my only account, and I used ADS, since Twitter is not supported by my region


I recommend this for reading to the participants of the spectacle in this thread. Don’t try to make idiots out of the community.


in this screenshot sybil says that he created this tweet and plans to write similar tweets from his other Twitter accounts, asking for support of this tweet.
So I ask the team to Restoring Justice for Affected Linea “Users” by means of take action to identify the remaining unaffected ADS wallets from which no money was withdrawn by the hacker. Despite the fact that no more than 20-30% of ADS wallets were affected, their greed and arrogance makes them lie here, while admitting about their plans in sybil chats like ads_drain_wallets (telegram) where all the participants are busy doing the same thing - discussing their wallet farms and how to save it

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adspower usage = multiaccounting. (any of these not deserved to be rewarded)

I have never claimed that all ADS Power users are not engaged in Sybil activity. Just as it would be foolish to claim that all Linea users who do not use ADS Power (and there are over a million of them) are not Sybils. Or that those who are passionately writing insults and curses here actually have only one address with activity on Linea. Based on your level of understanding of this topic, I would seriously doubt that.

I was only stating that my wallet’s activity does not violate the rules set by Linea. And I personally know quite a few people in a similar situation. That is why we are demanding a fair review.

If you found some group where 5–10 people are discussing this topic and supporting my initiative in hopes of saving their accounts, I cannot stop them. Nor can I be sure that this is not a fake group, which is incredibly easy to create nowadays. In any case, if I had as much free time and motivation as you, I might have found something similar in some public chat. But that is beyond my responsibility.

If my wallet had been blocked for actual Sybil activity, I wouldn’t be saying anything at all. Engaging in discussions with forum members filled with unprovoked anger, greed, and bitterness is utterly pointless and brings no positive emotions.

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You’re making a lot of unnecessary noise. Even if I take your words at face value and accept everything you’ve described here as true, after thoroughly reviewing the entire conversation, the only “evidence” I found only one person who violates the rules and fits the criteria of a Sybil. No one else. This is just ridiculous.

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Linea showed weakness by not removing these scumbags immediately and completely. Please fix this mistake even now, guys! Thousands of scammers will keep clinging to their false hopes, lying, and manipulating!

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please help this grisha sybil (aka unohooooo here and twitter) restoring justice for affected “Users”
these ADS-gangs continue to fearlessly spam everywhere, here, on Twitter, and on Discord.
Only a Nansen-solution to their unaffected wallets will restore justice.
@dfox @nakedwinnie @Chinzilla @bigironchris @KBeeTheCapybara @Pitty76

I occasionally read the forum, and I’m very upset about the ADS hack because I was directly affected by it. It’s extremely unpleasant to read all this nonsense from ignorant people who see “sybil” everywhere. It’s turned into some kind of mania! People are happy their own wallets made it through and take pleasure in others’ misfortune. Probably at least half the people here have more than one or two wallets; they just got lucky this time. They spend a ton of time, practically foaming at the mouth, trying to prove to the team that everyone else—except themselves, of course—is a sybil.

I’m someone who has multiple wallets, though not 10 or 20—far fewer. And I can easily explain why I do it: first for security, second for convenience, and third for diversification. It’s simply more comfortable for me: I kept frog NFTs in one wallet, meme coins in another, and liquidity in a third. I’m not doing this to get a bigger reward, but for management and convenience. My wallets held large amounts, including funds invested in Linea. I have LXP-L and have provided liquidity from the first day to the last. It amuses me to read these attacks from people who panic over every penny and are ready to tear everyone apart for every token.

Linea, I devoted an honest year and a half to you. I was and still am your supporter. This time, I just wasn’t lucky. :slightly_smiling_face:

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My wallet was stolen in ADS, but I did not receive a sibil mark. And it would be nice to receive my rewards on another wallet. The idea of ​​​​receiving rewards on the exchange wallet that interacted with my wallet before the hack is a good idea. Please implement such functionality

people using AdsPower sybils, because this browser is designed to create sessions, replace data and bypass protection.


there is nothing to discuss here. Guys, you will not pass. The community will not let you cheat and manipulate Linea

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All sibils have the right to rehabilitation. There are those sybils who also used Adspower but were not hacked but were not expelled from POH before: I suggest giving all sybils the same chances

I totally agree.

Everyone has already read these threads. There’s zero evidence. Out of the entire conversation, only one person fits the criteria of a Sybil. That’s it. You’re just making noise for nothing.

Create a site where you can change the wallet hacked in ADSpower. Make verification with help, discord, twitter email. You can also make verification of identity or give the opportunity to withdraw rewards to the exchange address that interacted with the hacked wallet

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it’s some form of stupidity when I bring screenshots of specific dialogs of these same sybils in Telegram when they coordinate attacks with links to lineabuild here and twitter. And yet they continue to complain as if nothing happened

If you speak German, does that mean you are Adolf Hitler? And you should be judged?

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Are you calling the communication of five hacked users trying to reach out to the team to claim their rewards — an organized crime group or an army of Sybils who launched a coordinated mass attack on Linea Build forum and Twitter?

Come back to reality, Columbo. You still have a chance to return to a normal life.

“grisha” aka “unohooooo” the more you croak here with other bots and multi-accounts, the more attention you draw to the remaining ADS sybil wallets. The team will take action, I’m sure

First, let’s set the record straight. You are a proven Sybil, that’s not speculation, that’s a fact. Your attempt to rewrite the narrative and paint yourself as an innocent victim is laughable at best.

You Got Caught, Period.
The AdsPower hack didn’t suddenly turn legitimate wallets into Sybil wallets. The reality is that those wallets were already part of coordinated Sybil activity. Your address didn’t end up on the blocklist by accident.

:two: Coordinated Misinformation Won’t Work.
Sybil actors flooding forums, Discord, and Twitter, spinning the same false story in a desperate attempt to manipulate public opinion. But here’s the thing: repeating a lie doesn’t make it true. You and your fellow Sybil actors were caught red-handed, and no amount of whining will change that.

:three: Wallet Security Is YOUR Responsibility.
Linea isn’t responsible for your compromised wallets you are. You used AdsPower, which got exploited, and now you want to shift the blame. That’s not how it works. If your wallet was compromised, that’s on you for poor security practices, not on Linea for enforcing necessary anti-Sybil measures.

:four: The 20-Wallet Limit Argument is Nonsense.
The 20-wallet limit in Nansen’s filtering was designed to minimize false positives and ensure real users weren’t unfairly penalized. But in the case of AdsPower, the connection is clear: all affected wallets are confirmed Sybils. There’s no ambiguity here, and no justification for reconsideration.

Stop playing the victim. The evidence is stacked against you, and no amount of forum spamming or misinformation will change that. Linea did the right thing by protecting its ecosystem from Sybil abuse, and if anything, the AdsPower wallets should all be permanently blocklisted.

So my advice is instead of embarrassing yourself further, take the L and move on.