The Linea campaign itself calls them OG in every post, and no one doubts this. The fact that it bothers you doesn’t change that. There was only one proposal from one participant, and it was originally very modest. It’s quite obvious that the holders of this collection will receive much more, like the holders of bluechip, regardless of whether someone has a meltdown about it or not.
Attending a conference and chatting with people makes someone a strong contributor? That’s hilarious.
Developers and users are not the same, and Linea has always treated them separately. Developers contribute by building, users contribute by actively engaging which is exactly why LXP exists. If someone sat around doing nothing and now expects rewards, that’s on them.
And as for your little competitors for money remark keep dreaming. The system was designed to reward effort, not free riders. Stay salty.
Being called an OG in a few posts doesn’t automatically mean you’re entitled to extra rewards. True OGs contribute actively, not just by holding an NFT and expecting handouts.
If Efrog holders were so confident about getting much more,”you wouldn’t be here trying to justify it.
This very modest proposal keeps getting pushed so hard says everything.
At the end of the day, Linea decides, not a loud minority trying to twist the narrative in their favor. So stop having a meltdown every time someone disagrees with you.
Being recognized as an OG doesn’t automatically mean you’re entitled to massive rewards. The same applies to Testnet NFT holders, they are OGs too, but they still need to meet additional criteria to qualify for bigger rewards.
Holding an Efrog NFT is great, but real contribution goes beyond just holding an asset. If you truly believe in the ecosystem, you should be advocating for fair distribution, not just lobbying to secure an easy advantage for yourself.
After observing what Berachain did with its main NFT collections, distributing a generous airdrop to holders, my perspective on airdrop distribution has changed. Now, I believe that Linea could also release a significant amount of tokens to all holders of its OG collections.
I bought my Efrog for 450 USDT and saw it drop to 370 USDT at one point. In other words, those who truly believed in this OG collection from Linea and put their money on the line took the risk, while many others were wasting time on other things. If Linea decides to reward these investors, they will have made an excellent choice.
Currently, the NFT is trading between 1,200 and 1,400 USDT, and I see some people complaining about the price drop. However, just like me—who took money from my construction job, spending the entire day under the sun—to buy my Efrog, participate in the minting of subsequent collections, and position myself strongly in Linea, anyone can also make the effort and do the same.
Not only rich people own these NFTs. I bet everything I had, my only 450 dollars, earned through hard work in a third-world country. If this collection receives a good airdrop, I’ll be happy as hell and know that I made the right choice.
But everything can go wrong in the end, but I will know that I did everything possible for my reality.
Nice rep, all time agree