"Proposal for a Fair Distribution of the Linea Airdrop"

Dear Team,

Please refrain from implementing tier-based categorization for Linea’s LXP points. Many community members were unable to complete tasks due to Hunter attacks during the Park campaign and the numerous bugs on the L3 platform, despite being early participants. They actively participated in previous campaigns where network transaction costs were high, which highlights the unfairness of introducing tier-based categorization. Many of them lost substantial LXP points during the Park campaign despite the fact that‌ its extremely low transaction costs.

I kindly request that you either consider the total LXP points per wallet without tiering or create a different point system for campaigns conducted before L3. Additionally, provide specific recognition for early users who supported the testnet phase.

Although a significant number of hunters with multiple accounts have been identified and removed, many still remain. These individuals not only exploited other airdrops but also abused Linea’s L3 campaigns with minimal effort and cost. Participating in earlier campaigns was not worth their time and expense due to the higher costs and effort required.

Moreover, some of them bought fake exchange accounts and completed POH (Proof of Humanity) without genuine engagement. It would be fair to allocate separate points for users who participated in the campaigns prior to the Park campaign, and especially during the testnet phase, because testnet phase since it was far more challenging than other Linea campaigns due to the bugs encountered.

Recognizing early supporters who have been with the network from the start is crucial. There should also be a clear distinction between these genuine contributors and those who merely purchased and farmed testnet NFTs.

Thank you for considering these suggestions to ensure fairness and acknowledge the contributions of early and genuine participants.

One more point:
Sybil farmers are filling out the appeal forms in this way and are also advising others to write the same or similar reasons. For example:

Someone who only has transactions on the Linea network writes:
“I’m new to the crypto world, and I started my activity, although limited, on Linea because I had heard about its importance.”

Or, if they have limited on-chain activity, they explain:
“Due to work commitments, I don’t have much time for activity, but I’m not a Sybil, and I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to participate in the network.”

It’s possible that some people who have been labeled as Sybil are not farmers, and their reasons are exactly the same as those provided by Sybil farmers, which might lead to their rights being ignored.

One way to distinguish these real users from Sybil hunters is to analyze the activity of those who started participating from the Park campaign and completed POH using fake exchange accounts. This is because hunters who created multiple wallets usually followed this pattern of activity.

Best regards.


Response to your Opposition Against the Hybrid Model

The argument against tier-based categorization is fundamentally flawed and misleading, likely an attempt to manipulate the system in favor of certain groups while ignoring key factors that define a fair reward allocation. The hybrid model remains the best and most equitable approach for distributing rewards, as it fairly accounts for differences in effort, cost, and participation difficulty over time.

Here’s why the your claims are incorrect and why the hybrid model should be maintained:

1. The Park Campaign Was the Easiest and Cheapest, Making Their Argument Baseless

YOU falsely claims that users were unable to complete tasks due to “Hunter attacks and platform bugs”, but this is simply not true.

  • There were no major bugs in the Park campaign—this is a fabricated argument meant to create a false narrative of unfairness.
  • Gas fees were reduced by 80x during this phase, making participation significantly easier compared to earlier campaigns where users had to pay much higher fees to accumulate LXP.
  • There were over 20 campaigns, including partner campaigns, giving participants multiple opportunities to accumulate LXP fairly.

By ignoring these facts, YOU ARE attempting to erase the efforts of early adopters who participated when conditions were far more challenging.

2. Sybil Farmers Would Benefit Most from Removing Tiers

Your claims that “Sybil farmers filled out appeal forms with generic excuses,” yet they propose a system that would actually benefit Sybil farmers the most.

  • Sybil attackers exploited the later campaigns, where gas fees were nearly free, and effort was minimal compared to earlier campaigns.
  • Tier-based distribution is the most effective way to combat Sybil abuse by ensuring that genuine early adopters and risk-takers receive the most rewards.
  • Simply counting total LXP without tiering would allow late-stage Sybil farmers to receive the same rewards as early adopters who spent significantly more time and money.

By opposing tiers, the argument protects Sybil farmers rather than stopping them.

3. The Call for a Separate System for Pre-L3 Campaigns is Redundant

YOU suggests creating a separate point system for pre-L3 campaigns, but this is already accounted for in the hybrid model through:

  • Multipliers for early adopters who participated when gas fees were high.
  • Higher weight allocation for users who took financial risks, such as purchasing NFTs or participating in the Linea Entertainment Festival.
  • Merging low-participant tiers to ensure that smaller groups do not receive disproportionate rewards.

The hybrid model already solves this issue, making the proposed separation unnecessary and misleading.

4. The Hybrid Model Actually Strengthens Fairness for Early Adopters

You claims that “recognizing early supporters is crucial,” yet they argue against the very system that does exactly that.

  • Tier multipliers ensure that early adopters who paid high gas fees receive higher rewards.
  • Risk-takers, such as NFT buyers and Entertainment Festival winners, get additional credit rather than being lumped into a general pool.
  • The tiered structure filters out Sybil attackers who farmed LXP cheaply during the later campaigns.

If total LXP were used as the sole metric, it would ignore the economic and effort-based differences between early and late participants, disproportionately benefiting late-stage entrants.

5. Your Proposal Would Massively Reward Late-Stage Participants and Sybil Farmers

The alternative suggestion to remove tiers and use total LXP alone would:

  • Massively favor those who participated in the easiest and cheapest campaign phase.
  • Fail to differentiate real contributors from opportunists who farmed LXP with minimal effort.
  • Ignore the financial and technical challenges faced by early participants who spent significantly more to accumulate the same points.

This would introduce far more unfairness than the hybrid model does.

In Conclusion: The Hybrid Model is the Only Fair Solution

The hybrid model remains the most logical, fair, and defensible approach because it:

:heavy_check_mark: Rewards early adopters who participated when gas fees were 80x higher.
:heavy_check_mark: Recognizes those who took financial risks (NFT buyers, Entertainment Festival winners, etc.).
:heavy_check_mark: Prevents Sybil farmers from gaming the system.
:heavy_check_mark: Balances allocation to reflect actual effort and participation difficulty over time.

The arguments against tiering are not based on fairness but on an attempt to manipulate the system to benefit late-stage participants and Sybil accounts.

For true fairness, the hybrid tier-based model must be upheld.


Dear Linea Team,

If you are planning to implement tiering for LXPs, please consider placing approximately 2,500 LXPs in the last tier. This is to ensure that hunters who farmed lxps a large number of wallets at minimal cost by completing only L3 campaigns and miscellaneous tasks at that time—ultimately preventing early Linea network users from participating in the Park campaign and causing them to miss out on significant LXP rewards—are placed in the last tier.

Best regards.

Frankly, I think the tier system is absolutely necessary.