a bit of a сlickbait headline. I apologize for that if anything but a careful reading should help your team
This post came from the fatigue of observing regular sybil attacks to bias the opinion of the team towards different events. All this is mostly coordinated in different telegram crypto chats, where the last straw for me was the airdrop checker’s demand to secure their bot farms from any future audits, forced to write in detail what is going on behind the scenes because at the same time in Linea discord regional chat rooms there are regular discussions of issues related directly with sybil activity of participants themselves, without any moderation as well as crying and begging in “support” for claim drop from sybil to other wallets, supposedly so that hackers don’t get it. And it goes on day after day
If the Team wants to maximize fair of Airdrop, so as not to repeat the fate of losers who lost user base and liquidity, its goal is to reward no more than 25% of existing wallets according Tires. These users are most likely not sybils, and will keep the tokens, loyalty and liquidity in the network. Sybils will traditionally sell everything in the first second of trading with same scripts they used to farm their points.
So I claim that the most of wallets that do not reach the criterion of >4000LXP, voyage Alpha-NFT, LXP-L for liquidity more than 0.2ETH are very likely to be sybils. Seems harsh? I suggest you check out what I posted below.
For half a year now OTC telegram chats have been actively selling wallets with 1500-2000LXP (with a private key or by using escrow), as even sybils are not fully confident in it, betting on the 2500 and more range. Links on Dune show ~75% of the total number of wallets in <=3000LXP, which is where the major part of the wallets are. Part of these wallets were already flagged by Nansen, and a little later a small part of sybil was also revoked POH after ADSPower hack (a sybil browser for multiaccounting), but at this point only the ratio between the number of LXPs on different wallets is interesting.
the facts that lead to the above are as follows
- Since Nansen did not compare onchain patterns, and did not identify the connection between undetected wallets, and those that were compromised by ADSBrowser in search of entire clusters, users of this sybil browser had their POH revoked on average on 20-30% of their wallets, exclusively from which the hackers transferred funds to themselves. Moreover, sybils use not only ADS, but even that amount is better than nothing.
- The sybils’ tasks in Discord was an attempt to create confidence that Nansen did a great job, wanting to hint that there are no more sybils so that the team doesn’t hunt for them anymore, despite they are still very numerous, while continuing to push the very low desired LXP thresholds day after day, ingraining it in the minds of the rest of the participants hinting at some kind of fairness (reasons below) as the new paradigm.
- The metric of having the first transaction before Dencun eip-4844 does NOT GUARANTEE a real user itself. After mainnet launch, a sybil usually makes a few any simple transactions to start the wallet’s network activity point. Next, most sybils were waiting for network upgrades and a permanent commission decline, while already being among the “early” wallets
- Before LXP award for Voyage NFT, the most numerous scripted botfarms had just over the psychological threshold of ~1500-1600LXP, rising to ~2.5-3k after NFT’s purchases, making a nice bonus to those wallets farms who practice NFT’s mass purchase as part of trying to guess each airdrop criteria.
- After the Dencun update, sybils costs dropped to a few dollars/each wallet
- Costs of real users were at least $250 only for commissions for about 7000LXP and manual work for two years. The cost of a sybil accounts after Dencun update is $2-20/each with automated execution by scripts to reach the most popular levels of 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000LXP, without needing any manual work up to 4 thousand at all. These are the facts.
- When discord chats attack month by month with the identical “honest” offers for example about tier 0.5x distribution for wallets from 1000-1500LXP, remember - bots dream about this, having hundreds of wallets with 1500+ and expecting huge profits.
- Farming of sybil wallets farm organized by expected levels, the biggest part is executed with minimal costs, having slightly above 1000-1500LXP per wallet, part of farms has slightly above the threshold of 2000 and 2500LXP. And the wallet, called the “main” one, with social account whereby sybils represent a “real” user, e.g. lobbying for a low LXP threshold in favor of their low-rank wallets, complaining e.g. about unfairness of the team in relation to ADS and a lot of other tricks.
- Totally all live users who have been involved and immersed in project, and whose contacts I know long before Linea, have at least 4.5-5k, usually higher
- Any KYC in any project has been bought and passed by sybils without any trouble. Linea previously at any stage of POH also had weaknesses that allowed it to be cheaply passed en masse.
- Being non-transferable tokens, the high volume of LXP is the main reliable way to identify worthy wallets that will clearly identify live engaged users over bot farms.
- Out of all the tasks for several years, sybils could not get by script only Alpha voyage nft, where manual work was required for a lot of difficult tasks. This is a fact confirmed by sybils themselves, which explains its low volume and why those who obtained it through a mint should be separated into a special category, as the most true early users. Just look at how many wallets are abused easy testnets of other projects: 3-5mln, and this in such a bearish market for altcoins. It’s not even funny!
- Wallets which buying up NFT from Market instead of mint, with available POH and not being trading bots earning on resale are sybils in 99% of cases. Their LXP received more than that for Alpha owners actually shouldn’t be counted, or a reduction factor will have to be applied to such wallets during tokens allocation.
- Tokens of wallets with canceled POH, as well as those that didn’t eligible tiers criteria (see below) should be redistributed in favor of real users according to the total amount of LXP stored by sybils wallets, with public announcement of this. Don’t hesitate - this will give additional value and guarantee a good reputation for Linea along with the desire to hodl tokens instead of selling it.
Here are the LXP ratios I consider acceptable
1000-2000LXP tier zero, 0.01x or comissions equivalent, because there are sybils, sybils pretending not to be sybils and those who didn’t want to do almost anything, projects don’t reward such users
2000-3000LXP tier 0.05x about the same as the first tier. Still almost all of it are sybils or just ineligible wallets
3000-4000LXP tier 0.1x there are still a lot of sibyls
4000-5000LXP tier 0.2x repeated cases of sybil wallet farms
5000-6000LXP tier 1x haven’t seen any mention of wallet farms
6000-7000LXP tier 2x
and so on. It’s not the specific multipliers that matter here, but the ratio between multipliers, which reflects the actual percentage of sybils over non-sybils in each category, based on my observations and involvement in project from the first day of his public activities.
Having Alpha voyage NFT and high LXP-L total liquidity equivalent of >0.2ETH farming volume the entire surge activity period (from day 1 to the last day) may work as a mitigating factor for boundary values
The higher after four thousand, the exponentially more live users
now important additions:
- Possible symbolic compensations to sybil wallets should not affect the rewards to real users, and should not collapse the market price by sybil sales, i.e. be equivalent to the amount of gas spent for the “sybil” LXP range. Projects usually exclude such wallets from the rewards at all, or minimally reward it in favor of fair rewards for those who are really involved in the project.
- To give a chance to wallets who are not sybil and have accumulated less than 4000 LXP for example, their points can be transferred to the second season or something like that instead of being excluded completely.
- Some sybils, on the contrary, followed a strategy of scripting only for the mainnet, spreading rumors that testnets are usually not rewarded by projects anyway. Therefore, wallets with only testnet LXPs, as well as those that participated only in the mainnet, are suspicious wallets and should have reducing coefficients.
- Some sybils follow a strategy of avoiding any quests activity, preferring regular automated scripted activity in mainnet on various random pointless tasks that simulate a real user (minor swaps, transfers, cheap mints and so on)
- It should be a higher trust level for wallets that have liquidity LXP-L together with LXP with volume more than 0.2ETH, because a minimum limit for early adopter of 0.1ETH was mostly performed by sybils, and it does not confirm anything, whereas 0.2 and more is not cheap within large wallets farm. This is a factor to be taken into account with an additional multiplier according to the team’s opinion. However, no doubt LXP should be significantly more valuable than LXP-L compared to each other
- Don’t forget that the participants’ wallets should not have sybil signs themselves by their other activity beyond Linea
I’m not arguing that those should be the only criteria. I have spoken only for what I am sure and ready to swear to
I don’t care what kind of reactions this will cause, as I realize in advance how dangerous the above is for sybils while still remaining loyal to real users. Anyway, I don’t really care, a lot of them are already richer than the members of the team itself.
With this information, you have the opportunity to make the best distribution in history. Don’t miss it.
by the way, you shouldn’t have refused to include the L0 list. This list perfectly revealed wallets abusing multiple zero-sum transactions, e.g. through merkly (and not only) using L0 technology to quickly raise their farm’s wallets in the rankings at the cost of a few cents, for which, as in other projects, commercial scripts were created and wallets of people far from crypto were outsourced, for a percentage of the rewards and with advertising on all possible social networks.
as a result, a lot of sybils were undeservedly rewarded after they organized a coordinated attack on Bryan’s twitter and L0’s discord, crying and pretending to be undeservedly affected users. These same wallets are abusing NFT collection FCFS mints en masse, buying out with their wallets farms with no UI interactios, collapsing connect to websites for real participants.