On January 20th, 2025, the Nansen team released their Sybil detection report, identifying Sybil wallets in approximately 39.85% wallets. Initially Nansen flagged 50.45% addresses out of 1,297,203 unique eligible EVM addresses.
Initially, all these addresses had already undergone Proof of Humanity (PoH) verification conducted by Linea. After the Sybil detection analysis, 780,243 addresses remained eligible, while 516,960 were identified as Sybil wallets. Up to 20 Sybils wallets allowed.
Despite the Sybil detection efforts by Nansen, still we can see in X, private Discord/Telegram groups sharing. They have managed to bypass Nansen’s Sybil detection even they have 50, 70, 100+ addresses. Need Sybil Bounty Hunter Program
These wallets have typically low LXP balances (often below 2000) and used automated airdrop farming scripts. (That’s not mean less than 2000 LXP wallets are 100% Sybils but yes I can certainly say majority will be.) They seem to be aware how Sybil detection works and loopholes to manipulate the system.
Furthermore, they are openly displaying their undetected addresses and the LXP holdings of their numerous Sybil wallets on faces of Linea Team.
I urge the Linea Team to implement stricter filtering measures to identify and eliminate rest of the malicious actors. Reward distribution should be Tiered based and prioritize those who have made the greatest positive impact on the Linea ecosystem. Single wallet should get more rewards compare to multiple wallets.
Linea team can announce a Sybil Bounty Hunter Program to catch rest of the sybils.
It seems many sybil wallets weren’t affected as it’s shows on the chat, some cases partially affected. These wallets generally exhibit similar behavioral patterns. The Nansen team could expand the list and enhance the decentralization process for Linea.
Sorry, but that’s a misconception, the numbers tell a different story.
We need to acknowledge that most of these types of chats are filled with typical liars and chatterboxes who boast about their achievements and build fake reputations.
Don’t take this seriously. Linea has done and continues to do fundamental work in cleansing the ecosystem from Sybils, and the results are visible. Thanks to the team!
Most of them do it for angagement to attract more people to join their group, the same thing is often noticed on X with fake screenshots to gain followers … In summary most are fake
I agree with your assessment. Nansen has done an excellent job. While it is impossible to completely eliminate Sybils, the majority of remaining mega farmers or Sybils tend to operate within the range of 2,000 LXPs and below. The most effective approach, in my opinion, would be to implement a well-designed tokenomics structure that minimizes rewards for such accounts. This way, legitimate users are not adversely impacted, while Sybil accounts receive reduced incentives as I suggested in my proposal
Yes, Tier based or Hybrid model will solve this issue. People will get what they have given to ecosystem and multiple wallets users will gets minimal rewards.
very easy to verify the list of sybil layer0.
Just take a single cluster consisting of xx wallets from the list and check on linea scan if they have the same (+10/-10) value of accumulated lxp points.
Sybil Bounty Hunter Program
This could have amazing benefits, I think true users won’t have a problem to delay tge for 1 month for this to take place but most probably the team already have a date set up this q1 (legal reasons/ exchange talks etc.)
I would look in your eyes if you suddenly found yourself in sybil lists due to some retards with no appropriate model in identifying clusters. That’s what happened in first L0 lists, when thousands of false positives were detected and forgiven in further lists. It’s a long and disgusting game, full of griefers coming from different chains with desire to kill everything on chain with the only one purpose: extract as much money as possible. Can’t you really realize it ? All sybil witch hunts are mostly hosted by people outside of the network, who don’t care about Linea and come here for money from detected sybils, among which there are thousands of innocent people.
Such processes must be hosted by independent third parties, which are paid a fixed sum of money for their independent investigation, not for each sybil found as it was with L0 and their referral system.
Nansen has already removed 40% of all possible eligible people and you want even more? Even Nansen said they didn’t implement strict conditions to detect sybils otherwise there would be 3 real people onchain. You cannot find all sybils, it’s impossible. At some point they start imitating real old users. I hope no Sybil Bounty Hunter Program will ever exist in our commnuity, it’s a total grief, attack on community, when every neighbour is ready to sell your soul just to earn extra 10$ no matter how
If such programs are completely free and give researchers no rewards than yes, it makes sense. I mean until a person doesn’t earn a fee for each sybil caught, then we can call such process independent, driven purely by personal desire to help the network.
But man, oh, man. We don’t need this shit when people earn more depending on the number of reported sybils. It’s not an independent thing, when you strive to earn as much as possible by adding some random innocent people in its cluster, under the guise of the model’s inferiority
If i remember correctly the one who submitted sybils needed to pay 0.5 eth or something like that, so there was no hunt for “innocent” people. As long as those who where false positives were forgiven later I don’t see a problem.
Nansen has already removed 40% of all possible eligible people and you want even more
Yes I want them all gone, they are the plague of every chain that launched and did airdrop without eliminating most of them, as you can check yourself now how many user where on linea during the lxp campaigns and how many are now…
What’s 0.5 eth comparing to possible 10, 100, 1000 ETH of income, where you intentionally add some real people to sybils in order to earn as much as possible for each reported person. And L0 still haven’t released the final list, all these sybil hunts created mess only. From my socials I can assure you 90% of L0 abusers passed the hunt, there are either low quality walets in the list or wallets of people who were mistakenly marked as sybil.
We have already eliminated 40% by Nansen, this is quite a record comparing to all L2s in the past. You cannot eliminate all sybils, the more you dig, the more real people suffer. L0 has stricter mechanism, which if you use in Linea there will be barely 10k real users left. Plus don’t forget on Linea there were hunderds of monotonic quests, so the pattern may be identical for 99% of community, meaning each wrong step in identifying sybils will results in lots of false positives.
Finally, I still don’t like this shit with sybil bounty hunting problem. It’s always a trashy show, proving the team cannot handle its own community and proccesses, having no enthusiasm, competence or funds to finance the investigation from its pocket, not from pockets of those who will be reported. If you cannot or don’t want to hire an independent entity to complete the investigation, it shows the lack of confidence in what you do.
Something interesting happened with Story recently. Many people who had 15 or even 30 accounts ended up being forced to give up most of them because, in order to claim, it was necessary to have more than 20 points on the Gitcoin Passport.
Some even paid between $30 and $50 to acquaintances or even strangers just to create a verified Binance account. The panic among the sybis at that moment was quite funny. Probably, many tokens that were supposed to be distributed to them and dumped right after listing ended up being stuck forever or, if not claimed by the deadline, will return to the project’s treasury.
I’m not saying that Linea should adopt the same approach, but it was definitely fun to watch!