About 3 months ago My Main EVM wallet has been hacked. I don’t know how they hacked my wallet. I have more than 3k lxp on that account. Is there any way to solve this or tranfer my allocation to other wallet. I’m ready for all kind of kyc you want.
Linea Support Team.
Please do something. 
Hi, sorry to hear that happened to you.
For Linea XP, we cannot do anything about moving transactions on compromised account. If you have received LXP on an account that has been compromised, LXP cannot be transferred.
However, if your wallet has been compromised please read below:
- For LXP tied to past partner campaigns that has not been dropped yet, you can try to bind your compromised account as a secondary to your new safe account. Set the new safe account as primary. The new safe account you set as primary, MUST pass POH to receive any LXP.
PLEASE BE VERY CAREFUL if you do this. It cannot be changed once you do it so you want to be sure you do it correctly. Remember, the account you set as primary with account binding MUST pass POH by the required POH deadline for LXP.
See how to use account binding from two different wallets, with two different secret recovery phrases here:
Binding an account from a different Secret Recovery Phrase | Linea Help Center
Remember, we cannot move any LXP that has already been dropped to accounts, but you can do this for any other past campaigns that have not come yet.
- If your wallet was a MetaMask wallet, please make sure you’ve contacted the MetaMask Support team about this. You can contact MetaMask support at https://support.metamask.io/ and click the blue Start a Conversation button. A bot will try to help you initially, but you will get connected to support. We will never DM you support on Discord.