Linea Voyage Quest - 'I'm a first class Linea citizen' Campaign

:loudspeaker:Excited to announce “I’m a First Class Linea Citizen”: a campaign to combat bots, prioritize real user engagement in Linea Voyage. We’ve teamed up with @gitcoinpassport @Galxe Passport, and @guildxyz to create a fair, authentic community experience!

Now you all know that we’ve been stress-testing our network for mainnet launch with Linea Voyage. Bots and sybils help us reach our goals, but if they monopolize resources, it’s a problem. Our solution? Reward humans with recognized credentials to celebrate being human!

Our system will reward users with a very high amount of points for the human verification credential. This is done in order to catapult real humans to the top of Linea Voyage, leaving bots behind!

The objective: bots and sybils drop to the bottom, affecting their ability to justify resources for bot operation.

The campaign runs till the end of Linea Voyage! Users can choose the credential they prefer to prove their humanity. Already have a Gitcoin or Galxe Passport, or signed up at No extra steps - just reap your benefits!

As always: Beware of scammers asking for payment to get a passport. REMEMBER: WE WILL NEVER ASK FOR YOUR MONEY OR PM YOU FIRST. Let’s create an authentic Linea community, where human participation is valued, and bots take a back seat.