Linea and the Reptilian Agenda?

The community is buzzing with shocking revelations of a Reptilian Conspiracy infiltrating the Linea team at the highest levels!

Beware, for the Reptilian Agenda is nothing short of diabolical! They’re not just after our money; they’re after our very SOULS! Dark, secretive Soul Harvesting Factories are now in full operation, draining the life essence from the unsuspecting through sinister financial schemes. And now, the upcoming $Linea token is their latest weapon in this mind-control arsenal!

These reptilians have engineered $Linea to be more than just a cryptocurrency; it’s a mind-altering tool designed to infiltrate our thoughts, subtly guiding our actions and desires. Each transaction, each use of the token, plants a seed in our subconscious, aligning us with their malevolent will. As we engage with $Linea, we’re unknowingly signing away our mental autonomy, becoming pawns in their grand scheme for total domination. The truth is out there—wake up before it’s too late!


1. Mind Control:

$LINEA tokens could be used to purchase or gain access to digital content that subtly embeds subliminal messages or propaganda. This could be through a network of apps or platforms built on the Linea blockchain, where users receive “rewards” in $LINEA for engaging with content that might influence their thinking or behavior.

Neurotech Integration: $LINEA might fund or be linked to neurotechnology that interfaces with human brains, using the token’s blockchain to secure and manage data related to thought patterns. This could be portrayed as a way to “upgrade” human cognition but with the underlying aim of controlling thoughts.

2. Food Supply:

Supply Chain Dominance: $LINEA tokens could be used to control or invest in food production and distribution systems. By creating a network where every transaction in the food supply chain uses $LINEA, one could theoretically control food quality, distribution, and even availability, using token incentives to dictate what foods are produced or where they are distributed.

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs): $LINEA could finance research into GMOs designed to affect human behavior or health, with token-based transactions ensuring these products are exclusively used or distributed by certain entities.

3. Financial Systems:

Monetary Policy: $LINEA could be used to create a parallel financial system where transactions require the use of this token, thereby giving the controllers of the token immense power over economic activities. They could manipulate the supply of $LINEA to control inflation, purchasing power, and economic stability, hence indirectly controlling people’s financial decisions.

Decentralized Finance Manipulation: $LINEA could be used in smart contracts that govern lending, borrowing, or investment platforms, where the rules of these contracts could be altered to favor certain outcomes, influencing financial behaviors or even socioeconomic status.

4. Thought Manipulation:

Social Engineering via Rewards: By offering $LINEA tokens for participating in or promoting certain ideologies or behaviors online, this could steer public discourse or personal beliefs. For example, users might earn tokens for contributing to discussions that align with certain agendas or for sharing specific types of content.

Algorithmic Control: If $LINEA were to control key infrastructure in social media or information platforms, it could manipulate algorithms to show certain information or hide others, effectively shaping public opinion or individual thought patterns.


I think Linea even controls your mouth! You can’t be trusted!


I fully support this illustrative campaign against the harmful effects of drugs.


I’m sorry Maria, but this is exactly what a reptilian would say. Don’t turn this around on me for blowing the whistle. It’s you and your kind that can’t be trusted!

Sick people everywhere. Fudding Linea won’t give you any benefit. Better check up your brain to Neurologist…

Dude, breathe out sometimes. This is stupid humor nothing more.

Oh noes, he’s on to us


These are fine utilities though, Thanks for the suggestion :smile:



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I’m afraid you’ve only scratched the surface. I’ve gone deep on this and I can tell you that the reptilians are far from overlords. They are merely pawns of the winged elite AKA The Feathered Few that have ruled the earth for millennia. They’ve been monitoring us from high above, watching our every move and scanning our very thoughts.

A little more than two centuries ago they developed a method of “transmitting” electrical pulses that interfere with brain waves and are able to alter DNA. Because of the limited mental abilities of lizards, they chose them as lab rats to perfect the science, altering their physiology to walk upright and carry out their evil plans. Masking our brains to ignore the reality of 6 foot bipedal lizards was a relatively simple task for them since we are already hardwired to disbelieve things that don’t fit our perception of the world.

After nearly 200 years they’re close to perfecting the device and are preparing (have already started?) to control humans which will increase their abilities a thousand fold over the less competent reptiles.

I’m joining the fight to save us from an eternity of enslavement, I DGAF what it cost, humanity is worth it!

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wtf man, what were you smoking )))))))