Implementing a Hybrid Token Distribution Model: Combining Tier-Based Allocation with Proportional Distribution Within Tiers and Gas Fee Adjustments

All you do is make noise simple question you can't even answer.
Just greediness for your information I have been here even before private testnet or the name linea itself, don’t try to play real user game with me.

So what’s the problem, mate? Why do you care if people get more awards? What are you trying to change? You think that’s gonna help you?
What’s the point? Have you looked at the sybil reports?
Don’t you see the sybil rate drops to zero as you move up in rank?
Which means the lower the rank, the more sybils there are to reward.
It’s embarrassing to even reply to you.
11% of users at rank 5k are sybils.
0.2% of users at 8k rank - 930 real user 2 sybils
Do you understand the difference?

Let’s do what you say and retire all these sybils.

Real people who spend money and buy nft on one side and sybils with hundreds of wallets on the other side? which side are you on.

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Bro it’s a mistake to expect them to realise this because their aim is to dilute the prize. sybil farmers do it all the time.

No I should be asking you that question, do you think you deserve 10x more than someone with 5k
again your comparison is illogical, of course the higher the wallets the more sibil, where you expecting 100k wallets to have the same Sybil percentage with 1k?
and stop trying to divert the conversation
The last time I checked you were complaining to get more reward

So again I ask you, do you think 8k tire deserve 10x more than 5k lxps?

I think those at the highest level should be rewarded 25 times more than those at the middle level.the sybil data is clear.

middle level 3500-4500

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That doesn’t answer the question because in every tire there are real people and also the team has already taken measures to eliminate them all

You don’t know anything about the world.good luck.Sybils with thousands of wallets are still alive and continue to promote.

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You are the ignorant one here

Man I can confirm you’re really IGNORANT :smiley:
There are hundreds of people on Twitter and they’re very happy to have made the final cut.

You really don’t know anything. :slight_smile: or someone who is one of them.
That’s more likely. Sorry dude. No prizes for sybils.

@nakedwinnie @Star

You people should please stop fighting yourselves , let’s have a civil conversation, it’s okay to criticise but no insult please

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Yes!! big picture!
come here guys!

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hi frens, everyone’s welcome to share opinions here but please keep a civil attitude towards each other :coffee:


I think that a person with 9k lxp should get many times bigger prize than a person with 4,5k lxp,and why?

Let’s not look at the fact that it’s only a 2x difference in lxp, but let’s look at the ranking position.

Someone with 4.5k lxp is somewhere around the 100tys position or further, and 9k? 1000 in the ranking

Adding to this tier drop (not linear) and the fact that the probability of sybil increases exponentially with decreasing lxp, the rewards should be appropriate.

In berachain they did it properly, rewarded the most committed and not just “Sunday clickers”.

Good bonuses and unusual multipliers should be received by people who have moved away from the usual motivating route of LXP towards extraordinary, atypical and, at first glance, unrewarded activity. People who are not professional farmers are no worse, and often even better than the latter for the network itself.

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for me a “professional farmer” or “lxp farmer” is not a person who has +8k lxp on a single wallet
It’s a person who has 100k lxp on 30 wallets

That is true

You can’t tell that to that guy, man. He doesn’t give a shit about Sybil. All he says is lower the rewards at higher levels, give more rewards for 5k lxp. He’s that ignorant and selfish.

The man’s head works so poorly that he can’t even comprehend the numbers here, because for him the sybils don’t matter.
He wants 2 wallets with 5k lxp to be able to get maximum rewards.
What he is talking about is just imaginary.
He doesn’t know about the posts made by industrial farmers on Twitter.
He does not enter their groups and see how their followers have hundreds of thousands of lxp. all he does is attack real members. he literally has the courage of ignorance.

I believe you are as dumb and ignorant as you think, you are just a greedy guy with zero IQ
I ask you simple questions you couldn’t even answer one without resulting to insult, this shows how uneducated you are

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