Yes people are just so greedy, I asked a simple question not even directed to him but he started insulting because he couldn’t answer a simple logical question
We should even distribute the whole prize from level 2k to level 5k, so that we can enrich all the ranks of sybils.
Well, I only bought about 4 omega NFTs from secondary market and i hold over 10k LXP. So don’t think your statement is entirely true btw…
Yes reason is because you are a champion and you won linea entertainment festival, I’m I correct? But that is not the case with majority
Why do people think it’s bad to spend money and buy nft? Can’t they see that it is much more risky than adding liquidity for LXP-L?
I think you should cut the bullshit and pray that the Linea team increases the prize amount. otherwise everyone will be upset.
Yes, And if you deduct my Champion allocation i still have over 9k LXP. And this is after I skipped few partner campaigns.
It pains these people that real users are so wonderfully rewarded.
They don’t want to listen to you. They want to argue against what you’re saying. They’re driven mad by the feeling that someone else might be highly rewarded. They don’t give a damn about Sybils
I never said it’s bad I asked a simple question
People that completed all the quest have around 5k lxp, so do people in tier 8 deserve 10x more than them?
The problem is that people are so greedy you can read the conversation above even with the 10x difference they said it’s not fair that they deserve more
But the reality is they don’t
People in tire 8 don't deserve 10x more than people with 5k lxp, and this has to be revised
Speak for you self, what do you mean by real users? You are just a greedy guy
I have always supported people with nfts
But let’s talk fact
People with 5k lxps have been here since testnet about two years and you think because you bought NFTs you are better than them? Common…
The last time I checked you were arguing that the allocation for tier 8 is too small right?
So let’s face it
I ask you again
Does tire 8 deserves 10x more than 5k lxp?
That’s not true you can’t have more than 7500+ even if you participated in private testnet and public testnet with alpha nft
Except if you bought other nfts
Likewise people that participated in all the campaigns without NFTs can only have 5k to 6k.
I have been here from the beginning so I know this
Did they tie you up somewhere so you wouldn’t buy Nft?
Or did these nft awards just magically appear?
Somebody sold their share to the people who bought the prize.
And even if you had 1000 alpha nft you could only have 3k lxp. Exactly how many people do you think maxed out? The team did a logarithmic distribution and most of the nft buyers made a loss because they kept it in a single wallet.
That doesn’t still answer my question, there are people also that kept 1 of each of the nft tire and got maxed, so don’t think I don’t know what I’m saying, I asked you a simple question you can’t still answer me
For missed opportunities, do not covet the allocations of people who take more risk and effort than you. good day.good luck
And by your logic don't you know there are people of this category in 5k, 6k, and 7k tire?
Again you argument is illogical
Did the math and deducted my secondary market NFT and Champion allocation, I’d still hold 9484 LXP for the record.
This is without private testnet and few partner campaigns btw.
Moving on from here.
I already done that, it’s a fact, you can prove me wrong
So do you think those who won the Entertainment Festival and completed all other quests should be punished for doing so?
No, I also participated and many of us got I think around 380 or something, the reason why I am even here is because some people are very greedy and even though the author of this post has put a lot of effort and time, they said the allocation for tire 8 is too small
and should be splitted so that they can get around 160k token, he kept answering and they kept arguing, so I’m also saying they don’t deserve 10x more than people with 5k lxps, my reason is people in that tire have done mostly everything and what differentiate them with someone with 8k plus is nft
Even the author gave room for improvement
Overall the model is very very good but adjustments has to be made
I like you because you lalk with logic unlike that one that try to insult because he couldn’t answer any question he thought I just joined linea yesterday trying to lecture me about real user
For missed opportunities, do not covet the allocations of people who take more risk and effort than you. good day.good luck That’s the whole point, mate. That’s the gist of it. All the rest is useless words.