"I'm a first class Linea Citizen" Human Verification Questions

I need help to verify week 6 as i have already got guild pin and wait 36 hours thou its not verify yet

Please be more specific about what issue you are having, if it says you are not eligible then verify with Galxe or Gitcoin

Make sure you have minted it and it is in your wallet. Try claiming on BNB smart chain

Same response as above ^

The guild has been attacked. The attacker can mint guild pins at zero cost, and over 48 hours, more than 20,000 new guild pins have been added.

Besides the gas required for mint, there are no other transaction records in the attacker’s account.

Reported to the team, thank you for sharing!

So to mint the guild pin you must definitely do one of the 2 task above gitcon or galxe passport?

No you can do either of the three to get the points for human verification, doing Gitcoin or Galxe quests are not required to mint the Guild pin

Good. i was unsuccessfull also at the beginning. but i learned patience… it seems its a virtue :laughing: