Idea: Gamification through skins for the MetaMask card

Idea: Gamification through skins for the MetaMask card (both physical and virtual for Google/Apple Pay).

Basic scenario: Card users receive basic skins from projects (e.g., one per project).

Then, they can unlock new skins by interacting with network projects.

Here’s an example using Linpuss:

– Base skin
– Linpuss NFT holders (soon)
– Holders (with >1 token $LPUSS) get a new skin
– Whales (with >100k tokens)

If reissuing the physical card is too costly, applying these skins to Apple/Google Pay takes just a few clicks.

This approach works as an equivalent to “badges” or “achievements” in games and other projects However, this gamification will allow MetaMask card users to dive deeper into the Linea ecosystem while giving projects a chance to showcase their creativity in designing skins.

– (?) integrate cashback with tokens of Linea projects


Skins are great, but I think it’s logical to start with the fox? All other custom ones can be from various dapps and communities or for some achievements

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Sounds cool and fresh, love the idea, even if it’s just a visual thing :wink:

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I chose Linpus as an example because I’m a fan of them)

But as I suggested, I think this should be available to all Linea communities.

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It would be great if such opportunities were opened as custom ones for certain achievements. Gamification is the basis of marketing

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