Cannot add liquidity pools

the menu for adding liquid errors and cannot be accessed

Same i try many times to add LP but this error is coming

unfortunately, I’ve been trying for 3 hours, I’m tired, it’s not happening anymore, I can’t add liquid.

send me eth please <3

There are no connection during everything else But i have seen error when I try to add liquidity to the pools

try adding liquidity on hop, it working

the problem with adding liquidity to the uniswap pool, an error occurs at 0.3 and 1 percent of fees, at 0.05% everything works well.

yeah I have same issue’s when I click max on my pool token

i cannot same add liq huff

I also got this error please fix

it will sort it soon

its pool issue…it will solve

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use small money and everything ok

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guys it’s just beta testnet, be patient

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add LP error approve is fine but add Lp always bug cannot transactions