Airdrop design - Maximizing User Sentiment & Chain Success

Greetings fellow community and team. Wanted to take a moment to share some logical thoughts.

I see a lot of proposals for airdrop design that seem to be favoring particular users over another.

This is a bad idea imho and the more micro managed, tiered, hidden bonuses etc. that the drop has, I see a direct negative impact on user sentiment. It shouldn’t be complicated, there should be minimal or zero hidden factors. It should be simple, linear, and direct.

The only thing I tend to agree with after reading many of them is a low threshold lxp cutoff.
Somewhere between under 1200 to 2000 does actually make sense as users who completed both Park and Culture Season could have easily obtained at least 1500 LXP for doing most of the tasks for an extremely low cost compared to everyone else who did the first voyages, especially the first main net voyage when gas and fees were very high. Getting 1500+ lxp in the last 2 voyages was fairly easy and thus cutting off users under around 1500 lxp or so I think is fairly reasonable. A possible caveat to this I think might be to not count out users who participated significantly in the main net voyage even if they have a relatively small lxp amount as those particular users would have theoretically spent significant gas so perhaps do not exclude users who participated in main net voyage and accrued at least “x” amount of lxp during the main net voyage as decided by the team. Other than that one potential caveat, a cutoff somewhere under between 1k & 2k lxp does seem reasonable.

Related, on the subject of potential “sybils” I also doubt any would be theoretical mass botters could have gotten much as to my knowledge the software out there requires direct contract interaction. Any site that you had to interact with to do the task I don’t think they could have automated? I don’t know definitively is something exists, but I’ve personally never heard of it if there is and if it did, it would have to have had to be ridiculously customizable and advanced. Plus there was alot of socials linking etc, and further the main net voyage gas costs were huge. I recall personally spending like $250 in eth and I only did 1 or none of the bonuses for each week. There is no way some mass botter would have paid costs like that or even 50+ each. We also already had POH as an extra filter. Obviously if any clusters out there were found that all had the same trx at the same time repeated many times on multiple tasks certainly those could and should be filtered as well. Anyway, after socials requirements, the complexity of many tasks and POH requirement; cutting off users under even 1k I would think probably eliminates by far the vast majority of would be potential botters similar to lowest level testnet nft tier.

The proposal for a small bonus for users with 5000+ LXP seems reasonable also, as at this level a user likely participated in all 4 voyages and worked pretty hard at them. Again this should not be something crazy, a small bonus is reasonable though for users with 5k+ Lxp. Imho this particular bonus on it’s own should not exceed 5% of the total lxp value. This, if applied, should also be applied equally, no tiers within. (optional: a user with 10k gets 2x the bonus vs a user with 5k, linear bonus, still no tiers. So either flat to all with 5k+ equally or linear bonus for all 5k+.)

Some of the tables I have seen are not well thought out at all by those who are experienced in successful drop design, have watched many, many projects launch and succeed or fail, or are in possession of sound logic. An example being the table with many tiers above 5k getting outrageous bonuses which to my understanding is only representative of something like under 75k wallets, which is less than 10% of the total theoretical user base. People with more LXP already get more, users wanting giant multipliers are being greedy at the expense of the overall success and actual decentralization of the project. That particular set of tables and proposals, outlined by user Loza would be committing protocol seppuku by handing an enormous majority of the token supply to something like 10% of the wallets and ensuring that user sentiment be absolutely abysmal. Total madness. Tiers are bad. Huge disparity tiers are extremely bad. LXP has already been distributed fairly by design.

No other hidden bonuses, qualifiers, multipliers etc should apply.

For LXP-L, I do not agree with a cutoff as this would make the minimum to participate in LXP-L having been completely pointless basically.

Very simply, keep both linear or VERY close to linear as it has been implied from the start with only perhaps the low threshold cutoff and potential small bonus for 5k+ LXP
Some people want there to be extra steps, tiers, multipliers etc to favor themselves without thinking about the community at large and how overall sentiment will be impacted.

Sentiment = success or failure.

If the team cannot reach consensus and wishes to reward some community members for various miscellaneous bonuses, such as holding a efrog for example, realize that this appeals to an extremely small amount of the overall community percentage wise, thus if a bonus for such a thing were granted it should be very small relative to the total percentage. While I do not own an efrog, they are essentially the strongest nft community on linea, thus I can see counting them essentially as a beta nft could be fair. Other bonuses that theoretically would apply to a wider range of the community could be reasonable as well such as time using the chain, having a cute butt, gas spent, participating in at least 4 voyages, being a lxp-l participant w greater than zero points, etc etc.

Overall, if other factors outside of linear lxp are to be rewarded, it should be a small portion of the total, again approximately equivalent to 5% maximum of the total amount of lxp to ALL of the miscellaneous extra bonuses all together. This is small enough that the community at large will not be tilted, but enough that the users it benefits will feel significant also.

Ie, all users receive 90% to 100% of all lxp applied fully linearly as normal.
-A possible maximum of up to 5% of the total to 5k+ lxp holders
-A possible maximum of up to 5% of the total to various miscellaneous bonuses.

(example of more in depth math at bottom)

So, my basic simple outline so far is this:

  1. Keep both LXP and LXP-l either fully linear, or nearly fully linear - no tiers.
    (Max 10% to ALL possible modifiers of LXP of any kind - Minimum 90%/95% fully linear - Maximum 0-5% to 5k+ / 0-5% to other bonuses)

  2. Cutting off users under 1200 to 1500 LXP is likely both reasonable and net positive, but no other limits/cutoffs, hidden qualifiers, multipliers etc. outside of a possible small bonus for 5k+ lxp.

  3. Do not cut off or modify Lxp-l at all, fully linear.

  4. Maximum 5% of total lxp to 5k+ lxp is reasonable (if at all)

  5. Maximum 5% of total lxp to various miscellaneous bonuses all together. (Or not at all).

This is simple, this is what everyone expects with a maximum and acceptable 10% deviation to lxp, and this is maximizing user sentiment for the vast majority of the community.

Also important is to give a generous % portion of the total token supply to LXP holders. This is the core community that has been working on tasks and voyages since the testnet voyage last year and has come a long way with Linea. The greater this portion is, the greater long term sentiment will be. There is a very direct correlation here as can be seen with countless other projects. If the vast majority if users eat well, they will have a warm place in their hearts for Linea.

10%+ to LXP should achieve this. 15% would be as sure as the sun rises enduringly positive. 20% would be incredible and dramatically better than the Zksync drop, especially since their drop was so terribly lopsided which was awful for sentiment. 20% would make Linea legendary although of course I doubt that would be done it would certainly create a long lasting impression and be very, very hard to beat.

LXP-L should be a totally separate % from the amount given to LXP and can potentially be much lower as more a reflection of apy yield. Around 3% to 5% of the total token supply is likely appropriate here. At least matching standard eth staking rewards as if someone had staked eth normally is intelligent and should be the minimum bar to shoot for here. As long as it is not less sentiment should be good and so long as it is at least a little more the majority should be happy.

If this sounds like a lot to dish out, remember that the 1st drop is everything.
This is where by far the largest lasting impact to user sentiment and long term success are decided.

Thus the final points

  1. Total percentage of token supply:
    -10%+ of total token supply to LXP holders = base case for positive sentiment imho
    -15%+ of total token supply to LXP holders= ensures lasting love
    -20%+ of total token supply to LXP holders= zealots are born of the majority of the community
    -Separate % of total token supply amount for LXP-L

  2. Win

*Apologies that this is so long but I wanted to really flesh out all of the details and cover all the bases.

Example math if either the 5k+ lxp bonus or Various extra bonuses, or both, are applied

To clarify this proposed math for these possible 2 extra sets
One could take the total lxp and mulitply it by either say 1.x to 1.05 or 1.x to 1.1
(x is representative of any percent greater than 0, to a max of 5%)

Lets assume that both the 5k+ lxp and the “various bonuses” are both chosen to be applied and that each is decided to be the maximum 5% of the total lxp for 10% total. Thus we will use the 1.1 multiplier.

Say total LXP = 1 billion.

1B x 1.1 = 1.1B theoretical points

1B is applied linearly to everyone.

Then of the remaining .1b theoretical points, 0.05b is applied in equal proportion relative to lxp held to all holders of lxp over 5k lxp. (To further clarify this specific point, a user with 10k lxp would get 2x the bonus of a user with 5k lxp.)

The other .05b is applied to whatever additional bonuses are chosen however the team wishes to distribute them.


“If the team cannot reach consensus and wishes to reward some community members for various miscellaneous bonuses”

Guys, why do you think the team can’t reach a consensus and strictly needs these investigations?

All recent topics are solely about the airdrop. No discussions about issues, no proposals for the future - just every participant lobbying their own interests (or the interests of Sybil communities; I’m not talking about you specifically, but I see plenty of such cases here as well).

The team knows what they’re doing, I have no doubt about that.

Just as I’m confident that Linea knows how to distinguish between the community and farmers.

These are not the same things, and it’s high time to realize that.


Allow me to address some things here.

This is meant to be as constructive as possible first of all.

I have read many other posts regarding the structure of the drop and unfortunately many of them seemed to have some bad ideas and also some potentially disastrous ideas. For example lots of tiering and obscure random criterion that would pretty much ensure terrible reception and sentiment.

My aim was to use all of the experience I have gained in 5+ years of being a full time crypto investor / degen. You learn a lot when you do it all day every day for that long analyzing thousands upon thousands of projects and watching them succeed or fail over the years. This experience and insight is not worthless. Many projects benefit greatly from having a few good “degen” advisors.

I want to see Linea succeed and have been following along since before testnet. In the beginning I even helped troubleshoot some of the issues with early dapps. In order for them to have the best chance at succeeding this drop ideally needs to go really well and salvage as much of the lost user sentiment as possible. That is the intention here.

As far as faith in the team goes I’m sorry but I’m not a zealot gunning for the champion role, my takes are purely objective and they will always stay that way. I have provided both praise when warranted and constructive feedback when I thought something was done less than optimal. The park and culture season voyages are good examples of this, I tried to warn that user sentiment was going to be very bad if they went through with them, I was ignored. What happened? Basically 90%+ consensus of the community they did not want more things to do and sentiment really fell off a cliff. Some of the live streams I would be watching and there would be very very few other people watching. Obviously the team has always had good intentions and that to me is a wonderful and redeeming quality, the execution and also the understanding of the degens being the lifeblood of web3 wasn’t always there though imho.

Isn’t everyone who participated in all of the voyages a genuine user? Or would they all be sybils to you as well if they do not use the network daily, participate on the forums, own a particular asset on the chain, etc etc?

What I am not doing is “lobbying my own interests” here. Unless you count the interests of the vast majority of the community as my own interests I guess which I feel I have proven well previously as the feedback I provided played out. Not sure really what you consider a “genuine user” or a sybil, people seem to have dramatically different takes and definitions. One would think that all the users who participated in all 4 voyages should be considered genuine after all they have been through regardless of whether they provided big liquidity or own a particular nft on chain or various other theoretical measurements. A huge factor is people who DID do everything and were burnt out and didn’t WANT to do anything else, and many others that started out enthusiastic but fell off after the main net voyage when park was announced, and I assure you I saw many, many dismayed humans in various groups that did not continue. Are they not genuine now because they didn’t do enough? And again I can see some minimum, maybe, such as 1k to 2k lxp which implies a user would have worked pretty hard at atleast 2 of the voyages more than likely, but many others who have dedicated their lives to linea seem to want to set the bar so high that they would be sacrificing a huge portion of the actual user base and thats just counterproductive and bad for sentiment and success all over again doing things like that.

The team does seem to have had much better sense of how to navigate in recent times and that has been quite encouraging.

I hope that you had a great holiday if you celebrate and hope everyone reading has a great weekend as well.


Thank you for your post, it was very detailed and I appreciate the time you must have put into this.

What would your opinion be on a lower minimum LXP threshold if there were a multiplier to account for pre-Dencun tasks with higher gas fees?

Also, how does your total airdrop allocation as a %age consider launch FDV?

The lxp generated by the nft of the test network should be counted before or after decun

Someone who does not want a tier system is directly making a sybil industrial farm.


A potential multiplier would need to be for LXP that was earned from mainnet activity when the gas fees were higher to be fair. I don’t see how the NFT LXP for testnet or secondary market purchases falls into that without becoming a loophole.


I understand your point, but don’t you think this was a mistake made by your team? Why did you introduce large LXP tasks after the Dencun upgrade? I know it was for marketing purposes. I believe that setting the qualification for the airdrop at LXP > 2000 would help filter out more bots.

I don’t think there should be any weighting system for LXP. From my perspective, I only learned about Linea after the Dencun upgrade, and I’ve worked very hard to complete every LXP task. I want to earn more LXP, but it’s no longer possible.

Now you’re proposing to weight LXP, which feels like telling me I’m a “stepchild” who deserves to be categorized as a lower-tier participant. Can you understand how that makes me feel?


We felt the voyages were a good format to showcase the apps and builders on Linea to users. It gives user something new to do onchain as well as bring more projects to the network. It wasn’t perfect, and definitely some people were not interested in exploring the ecosystem but just wanted to farm points, and that’s okay.

I’m not proposing anything here, just highlighting what others have shared which is that LXP earned pre-4844 was more expensive per LXP to obtain then post-4844. Do you disagree?


I totally agree. When the mission was originally set, 4844 the upgraded mission should reduce the allocation of lxp, the way you ask me now is like asking which is more valuable, gold or silver. Of course, I would say gold. But what if it’s 1 kilogram of silver to 1 milligram of gold? So which one is more valuable?

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My core point is that since you think lxp needs to be weighted, why did you launch so many lxp activities after 4844 when launching tasks? You can definitely reward users with a small amount of LXP. Now let me tell users that the lxp after 4844 and the lxp after 4844 are not the same lxp, and they must be distinguished by weight. Maybe there are very few real users after the 4844 upgrade, so no one will raise my opinion. I just want to express my feelings, and you can ignore it. Thanks


Post 4844, from Linea hosted campaigns, there was only part (or all of it if users left all tasks to be done after 4844) of Linea Park and Culture SZN, with lower amounts of LXP, about 500 for the last one, 3 or more times less than previous ones. Dapps and projects on Linea that had campaigns have also had amount of LXP that you could obtain from them lowered.

LXP is the same, a multiplier for fees spent is separate. Hope this clarifies things for you.


How should lxp generated by linea park be distinguished? Some people enter before 4844, some people enter after 4844

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Linear distribution of rewards is not a good idea in my opinion.
The most engaged people (psychotic lxp hodlers as Chris called them;)) should be properly, well rewarded.

During the linear drop, sybil farms with an average amount of lxp where the campaign did not need to be polished will feel good…


Dude that’s a great point.

100% There should be a multiplier for users who earned LXP before 4844.

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You should also consider that a significant portion of Linea Park activities occurred before the update, and many users utilized Linea for their own purposes prior to 4844 without participating in specific programs. Therefore, it would be more reasonable to introduce a multiplier not just for LXP earned before the update, but a general multiplier applied if, for example, a user has completed at least 10 transactions before the implementation of the Dencun update.

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It’s important to consider that a significant portion of activity in Linea Park occurred before the update, and many users interacted with Linea prior to 4844 for their own purposes without participating in specific programs. Therefore, it would be more reasonable to introduce a general multiplier based on the number of transactions—say, at least 10—completed before the Dencun update, rather than focusing solely on LXP earned during that period.

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Linea distribution for lxp makes no sense, it will only favour farmers, a person with single wallets needs to be rewarded more than those with multiple.
FOR EXAMPLE : A person with one wallet that collects 7k lxps requires 100x efforts to the person that has 6 wallets with 1500 lxps on each.
Tired system is the best for lxp, this is the only thing I disagree with you.
So ,
1.there should be tired system for lxp.
2.There should be a multiplyer for x transactions before the fees was reduced .
3.A minimum lxps should be applied after the multipyer.
I believe this is what the community wants.

This can clearly be seen in this pie chart.

We also have to take note the about 2000 wallets in the top ranking have recieve EXESS ALLOCATION, which the team has promised to address


agree with your idea, bro

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as it relates to “chain success,” (Linea depends on Ethereum infra and Protocol Guild maintained softwarea) curious your take on this proposal!

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