You're missing the big picture. Minimum %20

I have been doing calculations for days and I have to state that most of the discussions here are nonsense.
you’re missing the main thing you should be thinking about.
You guys are arguing with yourselves and missing the big picture.
I want to make it simple and clear for everyone.
If the team sets a reward of less than 12%-15% for LXP, most people will be unhappy.
A very low allocation for LXP-L would be fine, maybe 3% (maximum)
And I’m sorry, but the most important thing that is necessary is to separate people under 1500-2000 lxp from sybils by setting very important specific criteria.
%20 minimum aidrop.


I like the idea of ​​a 20% drop :wink:

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I don’t think there’ll be a 20% reward. 12% maximum.

Instead of arguing, it would be better to convey this to the team. The 20% reward will make everyone happy.


I don’t think there’ll be a 20% reward. 0.0000000001% maximum and No Eligible for Kurz.

Everyone should have an opinion.

love the number, would love to see it at TGE

Why not? They don’t have any VC to feed. They also have the backing of Consensys - one of the biggest players in the ETH ecosystem. IMO, observing Linea over the years; their BD, branding, community development, they will implement an airdrop strat that aligns with the survival of the chain post TGE. The effort they are putting in to hunt sybils and gather community feedback and opinion regards distribution is a pointer.

If how scroll, zksync, starknet and other L2s turned out after TGE didn’t teach them anything then it’s over for L2s. Linea is literally the last man standing. Fingers crossed.

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Only by releasing a lot of water can the ecology be irrigated. I think 20% is the best.

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12% for LXP is quite ok

20%, that’s all. No complaints accepted. Bald 20%. Dot.

I do agree! 20% seems reasonable to me :slight_smile:

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