Cant join Linea discord server

Hello guys
Please help me on sth
I can’t get in Linea discord .
Long story short I’ve got scammed a year ago and my discord account got rugged sending 18+ stuff to servers I’ve been joined.
Friends helped me and I fixed that problem and now I’m banned from Linea discord for that accident a year ago.

Now I’ll appreciate all the help. I’m Linea holder. As you can check my roles I’m efrog holder. You can check my X account too.
@Er____En : my twitter ID
itseren100 : my discord username

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@nakedwinnie please help this guy


Unfortunately your account won’t be unbanned. If you would like to join our discord server again please do so from a new account

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Im a real and active user in LInea accosystem
I participated in campaigns I have 2725 LXP in my wallet
Im holder of some collections
I have lots of transactions in Linea chain, I send you a screenshot
I have POH, I send the screenshot that means Im not in the lates sybil list
Im an active and real user, please help me to join the server and get my roles, I want them for Linea airdrop sir @nakedwinnie :pray:

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The roles have nothing to do with the airdrop.

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Tnx for your help sir
But cant help one of your community users? :sweat:

@Chinzilla @nakedwinnie
Hey guys please help me

Hey, you’ve already been answered. This decision will not change.