Suggestion for Sybil Filters

Merry Christmas team,

I am suggesting average asset value like zkSync to filter out loyal users.

I don’t believe there are industrial sybil, which owns more than 1000 wallets, but if any, they all will be filtered out using below criteria. Sybils don’t deposit much funds on each wallets to maximize their profit. Average Asset value filter will filter out not only Sybils but also users who put small effort which doesn’t deserve community reward.


  • LXP Threshold:
  • Average Asset Value:
    **Average Asset Value: Liquidity + token hold in a wallet for year
  • Other on-chain activity than LXP tasks. Bots most likely does not have many of non-LXP related on-chain activity as their purpose is solely for only airdrop reward.
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Unfortunately, bots are already preparing for these criteria and I see them farming on-chain activity every day.

Therefore, the approach should be non-linear and complex. Deeper.

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I am suggesting applying for all three criteria.
Moreover, they are already too late because all LXP and LXP-L are completed. If they started preparing for that, it is already too late. Average asset can be the best filter to filter out not only potential sybils and low loyalty users. Linea true believer most likely put reasonable asset to wallet and add liquidity as well. Also, I suggest extra points for people who has not withdrawn liquidity even LXPL is completed. There are many airdrop projects which requires liquidity providing and bots must withdraw all liquidity to farm other projects.

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There are more than 3 such criteria and the approach should be much deeper and more complex. Just as the criteria with non-withdrawal of liquidity should not be so obvious.


there is a lot tool to cach sybils

Hey, i’ve written my opinion under the similar to yours topic, about residual balances. You may read it here

Totally agree with 1st and 3rd point, the second one isn’t good tbh


I agree that liquidity provided in the Linea over time would be a great criterion. It would severely harm sybils, nobody with multiple accounts keeps large amounts of money in all their accounts for a long time. It would also be excellent for filtering out farmers. In Surge, there were many whales who deposited millions in the first two months, when LXP-L was worth the most, only to withdraw almost everything later and still manage to achieve 8-9 digits of LXP-L, never dropping in rank because the LXP-L received became increasingly scarce.

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