I read lot of suggestion for Airdrop. I think most of them want to adjust to get maximum for themselves. It should be focussed on larger community. Simple and sweet. NO Complex stuffs- card user, frog nft , and 10 random other stuff. You have the contribution LXP with was unique to LINEA for this purpose only. Stop copying arb style airdrop. You have LXP, onchain data everything. Make it very simpler and adding some bonuses if team wants. (not what people have propsed) . Stick to only LXP and matrices. and make it simple. Filter as many sybils but dont exclude people with such vague distribution plan. It should be simple, simple and simple.

Also - they are suggesting like 10k LINEA for themselves (because they own 6k) or more and 300 to someone having 3k LXP. What have you done to claim so much in the name of fairness. Do you think its fair to those 300K 500k people to make you happy? These people proposing in a way that this airdrop will retire them for Life. Guys relax. And what will they do? to dump??

If you really want to suggest. Stop looking at your bag and demand on the name of fairness.

Suggest something meaningful.


How to say “I’m a farmer” without saying it.

I disagree. Even though I have a large amount of LXP, that shouldn’t be the only criteria. Some farmers racked up tons of LXP by completing tasks and buying Voyage NFTs, then disappeared. Why should they get the same as someone who’s active on Linea every day? Isn’t it better to reward real, engaged users who explore tokens, NFTs, and provide liquidity…? That’s who Linea should focus on keeping around.


Yes, make it easier for the narrow-minded abusers. Perfect.

Do you understand slow or what? I have clearly said onchain matrices with LXP. For liquidity we have L-LXP. Bdw i was from day 1 and have participated in almost every activity. I am secure. People should suggest meaningful ideas is my point. Suggesting metamask card use when you know its not available in every country is useless. Suggesting frog nft. How many folks have that nft?

Instead of that- check for wallet history, meaningful metamask feature uses, eth chain uses. Lots of meaningful onchain matrics to give bonuses. Hope you understand!


You must be swiping cards on metamask. Hey Linea, i have used card feature , I am loyal user… Please give me max allocation so that i can dump.

I agree, many users have focused exclusively on farming LXP and are now eagerly awaiting the airdrop, only to dump their tokens, as their sole objective was always to accumulate this metric. However, their contribution to the ecosystem has been minimal: they haven’t provided liquidity, minted the new NFTs promoted by Linea, supported ongoing projects, attended AMAs, engaged in the Discord community, or participated in ecosystem events.

For example, yesterday, I received a generous airdrop from Game7 as a reward for participating in a gaming event last year, organized by Linea and its key partners on the Game7 platform. If it weren’t for Linea, I wouldn’t have even discovered this platform. Moreover, during the event, I managed to rank among the top participants and, as a result, also earned financial rewards.

It’s interesting to see how many people insist that LXP should be the only criterion and boosting factor for the airdrop. Coincidence? Or could it be because these users focused exclusively on this metric while neglecting the rest of the ecosystem?

Nobody is as free as you buddy. Maybe you should ask for some different tier for attending AMAs

In the end, it’s not about fairness but rather self-interest (including yours). After all, you will receive the LXP you farmed since you already know the amount. The possible bonuses or boosts are beyond your control. Stop trying to sabotage others under the guise of fairness.

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It just i am advocating for 500,000 folks instead of 10k Nft holder. yes its in my interest but for 500000 others interest also. That’s what i said at very start, don’t send suggestions to fill your bag. Suggest simple and meaningful.

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lmao, after airdrop you first who run away and sell all. real user never use any chain every day, just for what? who used chains every day - just a farmer

Is this you? Just a question: if so, it’s ironic that you’re talking about ‘justice’ when you didn’t even bother to get the roles on Discord. First, get the roles on your account in the guild—maybe it will make a difference in the future.



I do use Linea, Solana, Base and BNB almost everyday for trading and arbitraging
Not everyone here has the same airdrop farming mindset, there are opportunities to earn other than airdrops.
I came to Linea before knowing about the LXP thing because it was there arbitraging opportunities using bridges (altho gas fees were very high).
I literally made few X just from NFTs and Pondfun on Linea.

Why should a real user get the same amount of reward as a farmer who just came to do a task and disappear?

Of course, I’m not against rewarding LXP (I do have enough LXP). I’m just saying that it should not be the basis because this way only the owners of dozens of wallets will win. You can see how the farmers on X are speculating the price of LXP :joy:
The strange thing is that those who support these ideas are new accounts with minimal engagement, and we don’t see them active with projects on Linea on X. Therefore, it is clear who is behind these ideas…

who told you that real user sitting on linea, solana, base EVERYDAY? you came up with some nonsense in your head and write here. if you spend every day on-chain nonsense, this does not mean that those who do not give the same are not a real person
that’s what I’m talking about, not all arbitrageurs

Nice work! This evidence is enough to identify who is behind these kinds of claims (sybils).

A sybil attack is a type of security threat where a single entity creates multiple fraudulent nodes in an attempt to gain control over a blockchain network.

Learn the meaning first!