Efrogs Airdrop

If you are so sure that there will be an airdrop for efrogs, why don’t you buy one? This way you have a chance to join the Real OGs who are creating projects, trying to help the community and bring other people to Linea, without expecting anything in return.
By the way, no one from the Team said that there will definitely be an airdrop for LXP or LXP-L. They also did not say that there will only be an airdrop for LXP or LXP-L and no rewards for anything else (Discord champions). Please realize that we are a community and stop putting yourself above everything else. The team can reward the community with a lot of things we don’t expect and you should be ready for that.
By the way, don’t be unfair to the people who bought efrog and kept them until today, they could have added that money to liquidity and earned LXP-L but they chose to be the most unshakable part of a community and it’s not too late for you guys. If you are so worried about efrogs, stop worrying and buy 1.
2015 efrog
There are 10000 efroglets.


absolutely true, CROAK :frog:


In the beginning when everyone came together under Shama’s leadership no one expected that we would receive any potential airdrop from linea as we had no influence and were still in the toughest phase but with the presence of amazing people in this community and continuous effort we became the most beloved community in the entire linea ecosystem.

After all the hard work and continuous efforts throughout this long journey holders now expect this as it’s the result of all the building and commitment put in, that’s why we’re seeing this attack from the farmers and sybils as they know this community is very strong and there’s a high likelihood that they will be one of linea’s top priorities

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That’s mean you wanna say that rest other community members either sybil or farmer if they are not E-frog holder. What a logic?

Mostly people are against about 5 point given to E-frog holders. If it was 2-3 points that won’t be an issue but 5 points almost equals to 6000LXP, seems unfair.

You can’t approach people to buy E-frog to get a reward. It’s not a financial advice. People will decide themselves if they really need a E-frog or not. Even nobody knows whether snapshot already taken or not for E-frogs holder.


points doesnt matter its up to the team
also even if its 15 points its just 2015 people with frogs
1.3M lxp 2.3M lxp-l
so you can do the math here


If a person has decided not to be in this community, that is their decision. But throwing mud, as most of the sibilmafia does, is not the best approach.

The community in Linea is difficult to overestimate, and 5 points according to that system are also dust. Most participants hold these nfts from day one and are 24/7 participants in the life of Linea. All this can be seen in the blockchain. This is not even assessing the cost of this nft and the importance of this system for Linea.

It is also worth noting other important communities in Linea. Participation in them is a green flag and additional bonuses are quite justified.

For the most part, those who moan about bonuses are those who have completed motivating LXP activities and all they want is to get a drop and run away.

You don’t have time to live in Linea, you’re not ready to devote your time. Most of you don’t understand what you’re talking about at all.


It is not surprising that the majority attacks the minority. I hope Linea has enough intelligence and dignity to protect its most loyal users, because even adding up all the communities, the number of their participants is much less than the people who did not make this participation.

In the chats on Twitter and Telegram, many sibyl zealots are calling for lobbying their ideas on the forum, lol


As I told earlier, I’m not against reward given to E-frog holders. I’m just opposing that it should be 2-3 points not 5 points which will be equals to 6000 LXP as seen on some proposal. In the end, it’s just waste of time argue between us where only Linea team have rights and will decide which is best for the entire ecosystem.

Yes, there are also other active communities such as Foxy, Croak, Froglet, Linus, etc and also total participants are much higher than single E-frog communities. If the team decide 5 points is valid and reasonable then it will be given, however I believe it’s important to voice my opinion as a community member. Last but not least, I don’t have intention to target the E-frog community, as you’ve claimed earlier. Best of luck to E-frog holders.

Many sibyl zealots are calling for pushing their ideas on the forum, which is actually normal because everyone acts in their own interest.

You propose this because you have Efrog NFT, correct?

Why we should give additional reward for Efrog NFT Holders?

If we need to give addional bonus, it should be Alpha NFT.

It is not fair to give additional reward for certain NFT project.

Why not giving bonus for all NFT holders?

Efrog is not official NFT on Linea.
You purchased Efrong or owned that NFT, That is why you propose this to maximize your reward.
No, there must not be any reward for non-official linea NFT.
If additional bonus is set up, it should be number of NFT holding rather than picking up specific project