Authorization in Discord

what is your new username now?


Can you not add dev to your name at all?

Ok, I just changed it to potatowifhat. I’m still unable to accept the invite from

Try again now

I’m in. Thank you!

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Hello dear , please unban me on discord. Kicked from the server when I changed my nickname and avatar in my profile id: 325546010413891585

Hi, you need to change your username, no cyrilic characters.

Hi i’m trying to acces to the discord by invitation, but isn’t possible. I have do all the campaings but is impossible to acces to your disscord.

Mi ID: 1105942557390815353

Hi. Change your profile picture to something else and try rejoining after 5 mins.

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Thanks!!! i’m into!!

I can’t accept the invite. I’ve already changed the username and profile picture 15mins ago but the problem still be there.
My id: 1188813456565084172

I can’t accept the invite. I’ve already changed the username and profile picture 15mins ago but the problem still be there.
My id: 1188813456565084172

Try it now