Unauthorized Transaction

Hey Guys! Please I got an unauthorized transaction on my account.

This is the transaction hash. The method is: “Send Message” and I really do not understand. Please help

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Hi @timidbg

We ask you don’t share your txID or address publicly so your social identity cannot be tied to your assets.

Did you happen to bridge that amount to another chain? If so, what bridge did you use?


We’ll go to the explorer too right shoukd have a menu drop down. Click it. Find where it says token acceptance or something like that. Click it. Have your wallet address already saved before you do all that so you can just copy and paste. You’ll see a red bubble in a tab that’s empty. Put your wallett addy in there paste it then hit enter. Any token in there you don’t recognize make sure you revoke it. It’ll ask you to set a limit for that token to spend. You want 0s or whatever you knownit a regular token. Hit the first pop up to say yes I’m changing the ammount. Then the second pop up is to confirm your revoking it. After all that go to the coin and kick it out your wallet