I have followed the tutorial on infura but there is an error when I type this command sir, truffle migrate --network goerli
code: -32603,
message: ‘Unknown Error: project id required in the url\n’,
data: { originalError: {} }
} {
code: -32603,
message: ‘Unknown Error: project id required in the url\n’,
data: { originalError: {} }
Promise {
code: -32603,
message: ‘Unknown Error: project id required in the url\n’,
data: { originalError: {} }
} {
code: -32603,
message: ‘Unknown Error: project id required in the url\n’,
data: { originalError: {} }
Hi, are you following: Truffle | ConsenSys zkEVM
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Linea has been a great project
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linia is the best among the other projects and it’s actually good